New Entry; An eternal optimist, this one.

Mar 03, 2010 15:06

It's official.  The Lich King is dead, the Warcaller says so.  Hurrah.  Jubilation, and so forth.  I realize that I should be ecstatic, of course.  Arthas was, after all, almost single-handedly responsible for the nigh annihilation of our race.  I am glad that he's gone.  I really am.  I just have difficulty mustering up much enthusiasm when the war is apparently still raging.  We've cut off the head, but the body is still lashing out.  I wonder how long it will take for the Scourge to disappear, or (we can hope) be wiped out... if it ever happens at all.

Though, I admit it's difficult not to feel something when surrounded by unitmates that are all shouting and rejoicing and rapidly getting drunk out of their skulls.  Perhaps the wine helped.  I believe that having Carsis at my side helped more.  Not in keeping my attention focused on the festivities  Not that he seemed to mind.

I'm still... getting used to the fact that he's come back.  He says he needs to start working more, that it will help.  That's fine, I never expected more from him than he was willing to give, and I certainly never wished to tie him to this place and keep him from working.  As far as I'm concerned, the soldiering is part of the package, and I wouldn't ask him to give it up.  Still surprised I was worth coming back to  Stop that, you're being ridiculous.

This sounds like something out of one of those horrible romance novels of his, but... I feel like a piece of myself that was missing is back in place.

I need to do something nice for Z. to thank her for allowing me to stay with her... and find out just what in Hellfire is going on with that blanking out thing she's been doing.

stop worrying already, spies everywhere, drunken kodo, more gray hairs, slushy romanticism, northrend, demonic wench

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