New Entry; Feb. 23 - Feb. 24

Feb 24, 2010 13:04

(( All times were not written down ICly, but I figured they'd help keep this flowing a bit better, yes? ))

(( Handwriting is shaky and rushed.))
Not again.  I heard Yonu barking and

There was a bag by the door.  That's  It would be impossible for Indarus' lackeys to grab him on our doorstep without me hearing something, wouldn't it?  He doesn't even know where we live unless I haven't been as careful as I think

I have been careful.  We both have.  Then who?  Why?  Will there even be a note this time?

It doesn't bear thinking about.

Nadja's gone too.  Not exactly usual for kidnappers to take a person's mount as well.  Unless she somehow got involved and there's a body somewhere?  No blood.  A worg that size doesn't go down without a fight, let alone without bleeding.  Something else, then.  Drugged?  That doesn't answer the question of why.

Ether, I hate waiting.  I've been trying to get some work done, keep my mind from wandering, but every time I start something I just... lose interest, and wind up back here.  Maybe if I do something that doesn't take any concentration.  Cleaning is a fairly mindless task.  Maybe if I do that I can just blank out for a while.  That would be... good.


Cleaning wasn't such a good idea.  Came across his journal, didn't mean to read, but... something caught my eye as I was closing it and

I don't understand.  why couldn't he tell me he felt that way he wrote why.  Not that it helps.  If I'd known

What could I have done?  Nothing, really.  I'd be willing to move someplace else, but if that wasn't enough what then?  Nothing.  All I can do is hope that he comes back, even if it's just to tell me that we're finished.  I don't want it to end like this.  Not knowing is worse than anything I can think of.

feel like I can't breathe

1:01 A.M.
Can't sleep.  Every time I lie down my mind goes off to places I'd really rather it stay away from.  Can't stay down for more than ten minutes before I'm up again and finding busywork.  Think the counter top is going to be worn through before long.

Give it up, Teaghue.  He's not coming back tonight.  This morning.

shoot me i'm being emo, panic!, spies everywhere, more gray hairs, northrend

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