New Entry; Summer Festival

Jun 22, 2008 10:49

I'm usually not much for festivities, but the Summer Festival has turned out to be surprisingly entertaining.  I've found that I have far better aim than I do dexterity -- at least, when it comes to flaming objects.  It's a good thing that I'm a priest, really.  Catching a torch fire-side down is not an experience I wish to repeat.

Stomping out Alliance fires and honoring our own, however, was great fun.  This, perhaps, was enhanced by the fact that Z. and I bumped into Sabe again.  I... liked showing her around Azeroth.  It's always fun to see people's expressions when they first see the vast plains of Mulgore.

I regret to say that it wasn't all fun and games, however.  At one point, Sabe decided to ask about my scars.  The newer ones, that is.  Z. and I just looked at each other, and I stated that I didn't wish to talk about them.  ((His handwriting becomes steadily messier, to the point of near-illegibility.))  I still can't think about it much every time I do I start shaking and I can still feel

((There is a large inkblot.))

...anyway.  I explained about the older ones, the ones that damn hunter gave me.  These are old enough that the memories, while strong, do not come accompanied with sensations and dread.  Although the mere act of speaking his name makes me furious.

That has more to do with the recent encounter involving Z.  I need to remember to check on her shoulder and leg one of these evenings.  I'm not happy with how they healed.

Sabe and I spent the night together again.  It's becoming a regular occurence.  One that I quite enjoy.  That dress she was wearing last night...  She should wear them more often.  She has the figure for them.

sabe, teaghue, summer festival, demonic wench

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