New Entry; Try Not to Think About It

Jun 21, 2008 10:44

Life is becoming complicated.


It seems that everywhere I turn, someone is reminding me that I should be thinking.  Seriand, Grub, even that bastard and Tir'Delos, to some extent.

...and now Sabe.  I know she didn't mean to.  I believe she was searching for an answer that would put something to rest.  What, I don't know.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Yesterday I ran out of a few necessary herbs for my alchemy.  One of them is best found in Tanaris, so Z. and I headed to Gadgetzan.  I must confess that I was in a ridiculously good mood.  I'm sure it annoyed Z. to no end.  She seemed to be her usual surly self, threatening my life on a regular basis and tossing jibes my way.  As predicted in the previous entry, it didn't faze me in the slightest.

I was rather enjoying it, really.  It's more of a game, something we do to pass the time.  Even when she does end up following through on the death threats, at least she makes certain I have my soul stored first.  It's not a courtesy she offers to everyone.

Anyway.  We were trading insults as normal when Sabe walked up.  I was pleased to see her.  I will be pleased to see her if we ever meet again.  I honestly like her.  She's a remarkable woman.

... we ended up in Zul'Farrak.  I don't know how Z. fared; I was too distracted by Sabe.  I suppose she was alright.  We did end up killing a few more trolls than was strictly necessary.  This, in retrospect, was a good indication of how Z. was reacting to being back there.

Afterwards, we headed to Steamwheedle port.  It was fun, really, although I don't think I'd like to end up between the two of them again.  Evil women, both of them.  Although it was funny when they tried to push me off the dock and I ended up pulling them in after me.  The look on Z.'s face was priceless.  She left to put on some dry clothing.  I think Sabe and I may have been a bit... overly enthusiastic about each other's company.  Z. didn't return.

Sabe began asking questions.  As I mentioned before, she unintentionally drew attention to something I'd just rather not think about.  She was asking about Z., saying that we bicker like siblings or...  Well, the usual statement, really.  I don't know what sort of answer she wanted, but I changed the subject.  I suppose I should have told her the truth, but how could I?  I don't know what it is myself.  Every time I stop to think about it, I just  ((there are inkblots where he paused to think))

I can't.

The topic of conversation turned then.  At one point I let something slip about my former profession, although another quick topic change threw her off the scent (I hope).  Honestly, when did I start becoming so shy about it?  It's not as if I slept with all and sundry.  The money had to be right, and I was choosy about the company I kept.  It's nothing to be ashamed of, so why can't I just admit it?

...anyway.  We ended up in a cave that I know of down the beach a ways.

I still think her freckles are lovely.

sabe, teaghue, gadgetzan, demonic wench

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