Church Part 3

Jul 07, 2010 18:23

Well, I did it. I took the girls and myself to a unitarian service or two or three. First off, the unitarians are so going to hell. Anyway, I let the girls go to their church school. After the first time, the first thing out of Cordelia's mouth was, "Can I come back!" Miranda was obliviously happy, I guessed, she's barely 4, so if she is not screaming and throwing a tantrum, she is happy. As for me, the first meaningly conversation I had with an actual member was about the Waldorf school system. UGH. (Props to Opadit for calling that one.) The services were okay, sigh. A bit on the mealy-mouthed, weenie liberal side. I found I missed the harsh judgmental stare of the baby Jesus. I believe in being opinionated, and calling out shitty, evil behavior. They really didn't do that. It was much more: I'm okay, your okay, hey let's kumbayah sort of message.
Overall, I'm not sure I can stand attending for years to come. The Unitarian Universalist Church is a fine place to take the kids and yourself for a small metered hit of humanistic spirituality but I think I might keep looking at liberal Christian churches.


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