Well, another new livejournal because I have grown from my old one
_evanescence_ and I grew from the band. I use to be obsessed with them and everything revolved around them espically Amy Lee. I decided not to delete my old journal just yet as i want to make sure I save all my old entries as they are a big part of my life. I like to keep my journal entries to reflect on my past and see how I have grown. I didn't watn to write in here till I made a layout and that I've done. It took me a while to find out that I could alter and I finally sat down last night to do it. Making graphics gets my mind off of things and I really needed to do that last night. My next goal is to find LJ friends again, but I really made this journal for myself. I need a place where I can vent out my feelings and thoughts because I have been keeping them all bottled up inside. My good friend
fragileme has had a journal and I stayed on here to read her's and I just can't get enough of the icons lol I have to say that I am not pleased with LJ for making this new S2 system to make your profiles. I am sticking to S1 as I always have and I know alot of us are sticking with.
I am now in graduate school for clinical art therapy I am graduating in December 2008 finally. I have been in school ever since I started pre-school. I never took a break and I never stopped! I have my High School Dipolma, AS in english secondary education, BA in psychology and studio art and now I am getting my masters (MA) in Art Therapy. My grades have been really good and I am proud of that, but it isn't easy I can tell you that much. I am not working now though which helps because I can't go to school and work at the same time. It's to much on me mentally and physically. People don't seem to understand that deep down I still have mental disorders it's just covered up with my medication that finally found a good cocktail. I still have bad days, but the good days are lately alot more frequent then the bad. I am sick of people not understanding why I can't do both, they always are so quick to judge me espically my family. Ya I am going to school to be able to do a good job and support myself and hopefully future family. A part of me is scared that I will fuck up or not be able to do my job in the future a part of me thinks about that often. But, sooner or later I will have to grow up and do what I am going to school for!