Today's gratitude
1) S's glasses came in and he looks good in them
2) Got out and back up our driveway even with the washouts and standing water, though I think I want a General Lee horn for when we go splashing through the creeks and such.
3) Figured out that the frogs who sound like sheep are related to Sheep Frogs. (Great Plains Narrow-Mouthed Toad Frog is our variety. BAAAAAAAA!)
4) Made a decision, stuck to it, and feel really good re: the former housemates
5) OMG! Sign ups are cracking awesome for my event next month. Woo! Woo! ( if you're a writer! Did I mention it's FREE????)
6) (BONUS!) No standing water in mom's house due to leaky roof in spite of many days of heavy, sheeting rain. We bought a shop vac. Must have scared the water away. Whew. And it's supposed to be dry over the next 24 hours.
Today was a much better day. S and I spent a few hours talking about the situation last night. Today, I come up with a workable plan. I called the sheriff's office. They said it was a civil matter and to call an attorney, oh and don't break any of their things due to Mo's crazy personal property laws. *shrugs* Together with S we crafted a notice to them that basically put the ball in their court. "You have broken every agreement. You've stolen from us. You owe us money. How are YOU going to fix this?"
We also let them know that if the ladies who pulled everything out of our garden show up again, we'll have them arrested for trespassing. We're done. Finito!
But frankly, I have too much awesome, and I'm not just talking about the kitty in my lap and the kitty next to the laptop, to contemplate any of their foo. My event next month is going well. I already got tonight's 1000 words written on the nonfiction project. And it's all good. :)
Hello new moon in Leo. Funny, I'm a cappy. But this energy is feeling GOOD. :) I think my mojo is starting to return. Now, not to chase it off with negative head-foo.