Not really spoilers, but...

Jul 22, 2007 00:04

WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY ASDFGAKL whyyyyyyyyy ;; (pg. 476 Am. ver.)

*goes back to reading, update later when she's finished because the ending is apparently OMGGOOD, but still*

Also, this is taking longer than the others to read. I think it's cause I keep stopping (laundry, chore, food, jump around excitedly, try to insert KH characters into the storyline despite not having finished the book yet, people IMing me despite the rather obvious Away message...) Ah well, totally worth it.

Afterthought -- having to read Kerouac first prolly contributed to the slowness. I mean, normally I'da started it as soon as I got home, but I didn't even start til much later in the day. And my dad joked about cutting out the last pages. He needs a better sense of humor.

hp, deathly hallows

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