That Zackverse fic I keep talking about...?

Oct 07, 2007 23:32

It finally has a name. And its own journal.

The journal name literally means "to dream of Elysium" (only it's got a regular "e" instead of an "ê" for "rêver," which is French for "to dream"), because I'm a dork and all the cool Latin phrases had already been grabbed.

It's not flocked, and there's a Table of Contents and everything. Plus an official summary. And a name. Can you tell which is the best part for me?

So, yeah. Updates will be going there. The Prologue was previously posted on this journal (and is also there), BUT. The second part of Chapter One was NOT posted on this journal. Look for the "---//---" in the Chapter One post on that journal, and everything after is new. Chapter Two is also officially up, and Chapter Three is done and should be up later this week.

I may post progress-comments here, or plot-things that I'm debating, or spinoffs, but no more chapters will be on this journal. So. Yeah. Go there, read it, tell me how good it is/how much it sucks/etc. Please~?


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