Sep 10, 2006 23:49
1. First best friend: Angela Price
2. First love: Jesus
3. First real kiss: Chase Hayes
4. First screen name: something like elmo something or other..i have no
idea it's been so long ago
5. First pet: Bubbles
6. First car: Betsy the 1984 Buick Century heehee...many things went
down in Ol' Besty
1. Last cigarette: never
2. Last kiss: Trent...grrr...not going there.
3. Last good cry: hmm..cried during the Notebook last weekend...NO my
last good cry was Valentine's Day..but not bad...good cry
4. Last beverage drank: water
5. Last food consumed: pizza in the cafe
6. Last crush: awww...well...:) yea no comment
7. Last phone call: Mom
1. Who is your best friend: That's so hard because I have so many. But
right now I will name a few...Ginny, Lauren, Abbz, Lydia, Chad, Shawn
and my momma
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: NO
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: thrift store, old navy, Ross
2. Favorite item of clothing: my play clothes! lol really i love my
black and green shirt thing...always get comments when i wear that. OH
My Pink and Black Polka Dot shirt!! heehee SPECIFICS:
1. Do you do drugs: negative
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Suave and VO-5
3. What are you most scared of: rejection, losing a friendship
4. What would you change about yourself: let's i put my hope
in people too easily, how i'm a slacker, stop biting my nails, not to
care what people say about me or think about me, yeah i'll just stop at
1. Color: yellow and blue
2. Food: apples, mac-n-cheese, italian, chinese, eggs benedict
3. Subject in school: philosophy and english
4. Animals: dogs and cows
5. Sports: frisbee! lol football....LADY RAMS BASKETBALL!!! WOOHOO GO
6. Top 5 Movies: Casablanca, Forrest Gump, Ever After, The Patriot,
History of the World part 1 OR Young Frankenstien
7. Top 5 Songs: **at the moment:** Billy Joel "Always A Woman",the hymn
"There is a Fountain", Billy Joel "Piano Man", Kenny Chesney "I Go
Back", and Dexy Midnight Riders "Come on Eileen"
1. Given anyone a bath: yes
2. Smoked: no
3. Made yourself throw-up: no
4. Skinny dipped: nope but i will this summer
5. Been in love: yes
1. Clothes: jeans, white button up with red spaghetti showing,
valentine socks
2. Hair: curled under as usual
3. Make-up: some eye stuff, mascara, and lip junk
4. IMs: none LAST PERSON:
2. Hugged: Chadwick
3. IMed: Ginny maybe...
4. Last person who slept at your house: ginny
5. Last persons house you slept at: Lydia's
1. In the morning I am: sleeping late 2. Love is: something i'm
terrified of falling into
3. I dream about: nothing...Lydia and I have "no dream" nights :-D for future Mr.
1. 7 years ago: i was 11, in 8th grade at Pittman Middle, waiting to
hear from IB telling me if I got in or not...not knowing what to do
with my life
2. 4 years ago: i was ending my freshman year of IB
3. 3 years ago: heartbroken from the church situation, having no where
to turn, alone, but completely wrapped up in a boy, wishing the world
would end
4. 2 years ago: i was heartbroken over a boy, happy in church, stressed
out in school like none other, wishing i could just get away
5. 1 year ago: i was looking for colleges, making the most of my last
year in high school, loving every, well just about every second of it,
having the greatest honor from my high school given to me
6. Last Summer: worked at the YMCA with Day Camp, loved it!!! 7. Today:
school, bank, wal-mart with chad, Romeo and Juliet with Kelli, Lydia,
and Chad
8. Tomorrow: SLEEP!, going to KELLI'S GAME!, going out to eat with Kel
and Lyd, seeing Abby (Chad's abby)
9. College: U of Mobile baby! all the way! love it! Go Rams lol
1. i yearn to play on playgrounds all day!
2. i still can't spell my own name sometimes
3. i get excited about little things like kelli doing stupid stuff
1. omg i cry about everything! lol lydia makes fun of me
2. i love to get dressed up and pretty
3. i love to being told that i'm beautiful and it be meant
ok there ya go Shnook! i knew i'd do it one day. so Romeo and Juliet
tonight SUCKED!!! it was SO bad. gah chad and i were like "omg are you
kidding me!" lydia tried to leave early and she scooted down all the
rows because we were all in the VERY top row being fools. she then
jumped down off the wall and made the loudest thump! lol it was
hilarious! ok well i'm going now.