Oh yeah, this blog thing

Oct 09, 2011 23:50

I should probably update it sometime again now that I'm back on the island.

I'm back! In Victoria. Chris and I have our own apartment, and it's largely unpacked. There's a big box of mine that's the result of five other boxes being slowly emptied since I got here, and I still have a lot of clothes that I need to go through and get rid of. We actually just brought home a desk from the Gensey's house for me to use here. I was holding out for getting a desk with drawers but realized, I don't have nor do any of my friends have a vehicle capable and available to pick up some desk I find on UsedVictoria. So until the planets align, and someone I know can move a desk for me when I've found a desk-- I've got a smallish one with plastic drawer storage shoved underneath it.

Class started a month ago. I was trapped in the dance of wait lists for a while. But then-- since the planets have to align for me to get a desk, I guess the stars and moons aligned-- and my WRIT 100 had the class sized increased. I'm throwing the man a ticker tape parade and baking him all the cakes and cookies and brownies I can once he's not marking me, cause y'know ethically imposing. So I'm in WRIT 100, the prerequisite I need for the majority of my degree.

I'm taking PAAS 130: Introductory Japanese again. I did pass last year, but I'm mildly interested in going further in the classes and this time around... I get to take the class with Chris! Which makes it infinitely better when you can practice speech, listening and comprehension at home. It's a 3.0 unit course, but because it's a repeat course I still have to have 3.0 more for my student loans--

I'm also taking ME 208: Studio Piano and FA 101: Creative Being.
Piano is interesting, those in my life might remember that piano was one of the reasons I left the Computer/Music program back before this blog started posting. It was learn piano and multitasking and rhythm 170 (MUS170: Basic Musicianship[I?]) and I felt like I was doing horribly for all of it. I had never played piano before, I had never had to play multiple notes at one instance (choooords) and on top of the piano on it's own I had to sing or transpose it at the same time. I wound up getting a B-, and the reason I couldn't continue with it was because I failed Theory. But that's a different story. Now, I'm in the Music Education department's introductory piano course. My semester in Basic Musicianship so far has left me sitting at the top of knowing what it is I'm supposed to do, and my hands actually doing things I would say has me pretty average with everyone else in the class. Our teacher seems like she probably teaches small children a lot, so sometimes it feels a bit slow. But she's a lovely lady. It's starting to pick up now that we've had our first test.

Creative Being is... interesting? It's a new, newish course added to the Fine Arts degree. Which, since I'm not officially in Writing yet, I will have to have. To put it in perspective how popular it is with students-- I jumped on the wait list the week class started, and I was at space #100. I got into the class for the second lecture. It is only once a week. But yeah. I heard a friend of a friend was in the first class, they had to turn the syllabus into a paper airplane and throw it. The friend of a friend then dropped the class. Because that's what this class is, it's discovering our creative selves, what other creative selves are like and learning every aspect of our creativity with the hopes of being better at creating. I often find I have no idea what's going on in class, and because of my late joining the class I'm behind in the assignments. It's also two hours of "what is creativity" down at the core of it, so I tend to be pretty grumpy when I'm done with it at 8:30 at night.

And on the wait list side, I made it all the way to 6 on WRIT 312: Foundation & Structure of Drama Cinema (or something like that). It's a three hour lecture, I didn't think I'd have any trouble getting into it. But at the first lecture I found out it was a three hour lecture, where it was an hour of lecture and two hours of watching movies. I instantly knew I had no hope of getting into it. I went for the first three classes anyways, the professor is cool and the movie clips are always interesting. But for the past two I've had to bow out in the name of errands that have no other time to be done other than then.

Because that's the other thing other than my negligence that's been in my way of updating my blog: I've been ridiculously busy. By ridiculous I mean, I just spent four months doing nothing all day most every day. Now I've got something to do all day every day. I mostly feel it through the fact that I haven't had a real weekend... at all? really since school started. I also can't seem to sleep in anymore, though I think that's more to do with being busy and having a bright room compared to my super shaded summer dungeon.

Chris and I are both so busy because we're on the Executive of UVSS clubs! Oo. Even with the laid back Games Club I feel like it's slowly draining time away from me. This October's weekends:

Weekend 1:
Saturday: Urban Gaming HvZ Training Day
Sunday: Games Con-centric Planning Meeting

Weekend 2:
Saturday: Games First Bi-weekly Games Night (went until 2am)
Sunday: Went up to the Genseys's for Thanksgiving Dinner
--- Long Weekend
Monday: Grandparents for Thankgiving Dinner 2
Tuesday: Rise Against Concert (it's not a chore or time consuming, but it takes energy hey :P)

Weekend 3:
Saturday: Urban Gaming HvZ proper 
Weekend 4:
Saturday: Urban Gaming Paintball Trip
                  Games Bi-weekly Games Night

And October has 5 weekends, here's hoping that weekend I'll get to have two days off from events. Or maybe we'll have Tom over for one of them and we'll have our Portal 2 co-op night. We still have to plan that.

It's getting pretty late. And I have to catch up with creative being homework and stuff tonight and tomorrow before visiting Grandparents. So I shall cut this long awaited update short. And maybe tomorrow if/when I need a moment break from being responsible I'll do another day of all my challenges. But they seem to tend to kill my updates. We'll see.

The game.

busy, clubs, games club, chris, video games, the game., japanese, morning person, urban gaming, tom, homework, creative being, writing, thanksgiving, waking up early

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