The Long and Winding Road

Aug 19, 2011 23:48

That leads to your door.

30 Day Photography Challenge-- Day Two: Self-Portrait

Scott Pilgrim avatar editor thing-- a good stand in, I made it after all.

30 Day Video Game Challenge-- Day Two: Your favourite game ever
  • This is hard. I've played Fable II through five times for achievements, I've been playing Fable III for ages. I love Batman, I love shooting zombies. Halo 3 was the first shooting game I ever played, and continually playing really fostered a lot of my closest friendships... but I've played nearly 200 hours of Tales of Vesperia.

    On that note: fuck it.

    Pokemon Diamond Play time: 415 hours and 49 minutes.

    Yeah, yeah.
30 Day Quote Challenge-- Day Two: A quote about love
  • With our love we could save the world -- George Harrison (Within You, Without You lyrics)

30 Day Book and Literature Challenge-- Day Two: Your 5 least favourite books of all time
  1. Lost in the Barrens by Farley Mowat (Seriously fuck that book. I've had irrational hatred ever since I read it)
  2. The Epilogue of The Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
  • In general I stop reading books I'm not into, but I had to read Lost in the Barrens for school and the epilogue was only a few pages long. I know she was trying to stop series, cut off people fanfic-ing their way into canon (like some often try), and to quell rumours pressing her into making more and all that flibberty-jib-jab. But seriously... Albus Serverus? Fuck that.

30 Day University/College Challenge-- Day Two: What school do you go to? What is something that makes your school unique, or that makes the school special to you?
  • I go to the University of Victoria. "The campus is known for its innovative architecture, beautiful gardens and mild climate. It attracts many students in part because of its size, its picturesque location, and its Cooperative Education, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Engineering, and Law programs." I went originally for a BSc in a Computer/Music combined program, tried to get into BEng in Computer Music and now I'm going for a BFA in Writing. A unique thing about UVic is it's one of few Universities in Canada to offer Creative Writing. What made it unique for me was all the bunnies... but they're gone.

News news news! I'm coming back to the Island next week! I don't really know the plan, my mom just suddenly said so yesterday. Regardless, I'm excited. Hence, a more travel inspired lay out. Packing!

The game.

pokemon, video games, fable iii, books, vesperia, mom, quotes, photography, halo, lost in the barrens, the game, literature, harry potter, 30 day challenge, university/college, uvic, packing

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