(no subject)

Oct 19, 2010 16:32

I'm over my grassy knoll of midterms! It isn't quite a midterm mountain because it was just 3, 3/4 classes but still. They were all between yesterday and today. And while it's just the first hill of a rolling countryside toward Christmas, I'm stressed enough to wish I was there. Now that the midterms are done, and this coming rest of the week is so full of fun-- I think it'll subside a little. But even still, egg nog is on the shelves, and Christmas soaps that I love are being sold. November 1st everything is going to turn green and red :)
Halloween is two weeks away now, and I have no clue what I'll dress up as. Since it's on a Sunday this year I imagine it won't be the end of the world if I don't dress up at all. Also the day before it is this year's first round of Humans vs Zombies! Which is getting pretty exciting, yesterday was the first day for sign up and they got 20 people already. I still need to find clear mavericks, if not I'll pout on the sidelines as a helper or something. Today I went shopping and found some two way radios that a bunch of us are probably going to get in on and pick up for humans vs zombies as well.
Tomorrow is smash club, but I'll also be working on my short story because we have an optional hand in date for early tips and opinions from the professor.
Thursday James is going to teach me how to make spaghetti with pesto. Which my mom thinks is pretty iffy for chance I'll actually like it, but it works out because if I don't he can eat it all.
Friday I'll be making dinner for Chris because our anniversary is on Saturday. So I can't reveal my plans or he will know them! I get Friday night because Chris already has plans for us for Saturday.
And then Sunday I intend to sleep in. So much to do, so much fun to have!

The game.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

zombies, humans vs zombies, the game, hungry, midterms, nerf guns, classes, walkie talkie man, tired, via ljapp

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