
Sep 23, 2010 13:48

I haven't posted in daaaaaaaaaaaaays. Shame on me.

Not a lot special has been going on though, I've been in class. Although I did finally play Reach :) Over the weekend Chris and I played through the campaign on Normal and then while he was off at meetings I played online a bunch. We're currently a Sergeant Grade 2, go me! Reach was a lot of fun, I don't think my enthusiasm was misplaced while all the guys just said they could just play call of duty for the same effect.

Class has been fine, Japanese is starting to pick up in pace which worries me a little but I'm still doing fine-- I'll just have to put more time towards it.

Writing 309... wow. So I didn't do the readings for Monday and felt bad so I sat down and read all the stories I hadn't. What a fucked up course pack. The first story we had to read was called "Honouring Honey" it's by one of the other writing professors here at UVic, Bill Gaston. It's a story about a family that goes to their summer cabin to put down their dog who is suffering from some sort of cancer, illness, etc. And by put down, I mean the father shoots it in the eye and goes fucking mental insisting he wants to eat the dog's heart. So one story with a dark theme isn't all that fucked up, what am I babbling about?
Well the next story we had to read was about this 11 year old boy who gets a gay crush on another little boy in his swim class. Said other little boy is all for it, extremely flirty [there's a scene where he stands wearing only the other boy's tidy whitey's and plays with this belly button, seductively] which only serves to confuse the first boy who apparently is against himself being gay. Then, the 11 year old slutty boy gets hit by a cement truck, while the first kid watches. And by watches, I means sees the truck coming, could totally stop the kid from crossing into its path but decides that if the slutty boy can make it past the truck that he'll "do whatever [the slutty boy] wants him to do" Woo! If the next story we have to read is about a mother sleeping with her toddler twins or something I may have to report whoever chose to put all these stories into one place.

GRS 200 is fun, dude still talks too fast. And as of Tuesday, just after 12-- I'm now taking GRS 100 as well. The significance of joining the class just after 12? It started at 12:30. So I booked it back to my room, got my wallet and continued on booking it to the Bookstore so I could pick up the first book of five that I need for the course. I have mild annoyance at needing five different books [as I keep stressing] but they're all still very cheap-- so even with having 5, 1, 1, 3,... 9 texts books and a course pack it cost me around a book and a half of the Engineers' text books. And they're all new books still, not because I'm flouncing my wealth [that I don't have] but because now all the used books for this new added course are gone. C'est la vie, each book is just over 10 dollars ^_^

So I've got a good dent in my GRS degree going. The class that's a prerequisite for everything practically, a 200 level course in both semesters. I've also got a bit of a ridiculous [in a good way] schedule:

I suppose that's a little small. But as you can still see, I'm done very early on Wednesdays and start very late on Thursdays. Translation: Homework and Video games. Which will make finishing at the same time on Friday, equal more video games. I'm pretty happy with it. Those with eagle eyes may spot that there's no WRIT100 on there. You have impeccable eyesight. There's about two more days of being able to add a course left, so while I'm leaving myself on the wait list as an optimist, I've pretty much give up on getting in this year. But as the writing department would point out I'm sure: hey- at least my degree in another department is moving forward!

Aside from classes and video games, I went to the Post Office yesterday to send away my forms for my student loan. Which means now, I just watch my bank account and run to Accounting to pay my tuition first sign of money. Also, it means that dinner at Red Robin with Leila can happen much sooner. [I'm like... french fries deprived... really ought to go buy some]

The game.

chris, online gaming, burn on the engineers, reach, leila, cheap, schedules, greek and roman studies, text books, halo, messed up, the game, greece, classes, japanese, school, writing, french fries!

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