Aug 26, 2010 01:56
I haven't left the apartment since I went shopping. If I were a Sim, I'd be stir crazy. But I'm not, because I rarely go out and that's just how I roll.
Yesterday I did quite literally nothing, I watched the beginning of Bones Season 5, played The Sims 3, watched TV and talked to Chris. Today I decided to be more productive, and start going through all of my clothes before move in sneaks up on me. So I closed all the blinds, and did the greatest trying things on parade to never be seen. I'm pretty proud of myself, I've actually put aside quite a few things to cull from my wardrobe.
I'm trying to also photograph all the clothes that I'm not getting rid of/setting aside to be yoga clothes [aka sweat sponges] for the app I downloaded way back, if anyone remembers. It's supposed to keep track of my clothes, and I can tell it outfits I like and it's supposed to create random outfits for me-- but I've never put enough pictures in for that feature to be possible. It's an app where it would be substantially easier if I were using an iPhone instead, but I'm sure I can get it all worked out. But because I was trying to also take pictures, I ended up stopping my work once the light from the sun was gone as my grandparents don't have very good lighting when it comes to taking pictures. I suppose I could keep trying stuff on and just create a pile to be photographed, but that seems like more work haha.
Tonight I also finished Bones Season 5, and I've decided that I'm going to show up at someone's lounge every week this year. Last year I was in class at the same time as the second half of the season, so I missed every other episode [would have been every, but it's Malaspina-- we got to leave early a lot] So it was mildly frustrating that I had seen 60% of the season but still had holes in my internal version of the plot. I'll also have to do the same with House. I kind of watched Lie to Me, but really it was just a couple of episodes purely because it was on after Bones.
Tomorrow Chris gets here for his move in day up in Res before training. I've got to go up to the University to see him of course, but also to get our UVic IDs renewed. At 3 Chris is going out for dinner-lunch thing with a bunch of the CLs, since Training doesn't actually start until Friday. After the dinner I believe I get him to myself to help him settle into his room, before he dives into the week of Training. Oh, and speaking of Friday-- I have an interview with Build-A-Bear in the afternoon. I've got to bring my best ice breaker game in, and I have one in mind but if anyone wants to share their favourite game I'd appreciate it.
The game.
staying up late,
watching tv,
sleeping in,
closet app,
sorting clothes