Christmas Updates

Dec 22, 2009 02:59

So I fell behind in blogging again, I blame not going on my laptop that much while I'm baking for 11 hours straight, or hanging out around UVic.

But I'm here now!

So I made... a ton of cookies all within the time space of 11 hours the night before I headed down to Victoria to say goodbye for the holidays to most everyone. Saying goodbye was fun, and a lot easier for me since I only see everyone on the weekends anyways.
We attempted an all nighter, but failed. We had set up in the ECS to play Left 4 Dead 2, but we got kicked out by campus security around midnight. We headed to Wilson in defeat, talking about setting up in the lounges and continuing playing. But laziness about moving tvs won over, and instead we broke off into two mini groups within the first floor lounge to play Settlers of Catan and The Order of the Stick. At one point, Lee's exgirlfriend was apparently drunkenly dialing him so his cell phone got passed around to everyone in the lounge.
As some of the less enthused about the all-nighter dropped off, we started watching horrible tvtropolis reruns of 90s sitcoms. After two episodes of That 70s Show though Chris was clearly done of the night so we headed to bed around 4.

We packed up everything and tidied up his dorm room in lieu of there being nothing edible in the cafeteria, since they underestimated how many people they'd be feeding to the last day. They ran out of milk two days early, along with lettuce, fries, and for the last breakfast any trace of warm food. We took a nap to try and compensate for staying up for so late, and by the time we woke up his family had arrived for us to load everything up.
We went for a tiny shopping excursion to the hillside Curious Comics, because Gloria hasn't gone shopping for any Christmas presents. So I found it hilarious when she spent $80 on herself and got nothing for anyone else, haha. We got back to glorious ole Duncan while it was pissing rain, and just hung out at Chris' which we hadn't done since the summer. We attempted to play Rock Band with both of Chris' younger siblings, but we got through a song and a half and were all pretty much done. We thought we'd play ODST together, but found out after getting excited about the plan that you can only have 2 player split screen. So we just played around in forge, which was mostly Chris building and setting things up while Tim, Gloria and I ran around killing each other. We relived Blind Doctor, and ran around "Black in my Day...".
After dinner, Tim wanted to play board games so Chris and I ninja'd our way onto the xbox once the board game had started. We ran through the first few levels of ODST together, got a bunch of achievements on Beanstopher after recovering it.

Today Chris, John, my Mom and I went out on errands to find more Christmas lights for the tree we also picked up this afternoon. We went all around the little ring of "Cowichan Commons", so from Canadian Tire to Home Depot to Rona. None of them had lights my mom wanted apparently. We stopped at Lee's and got potato wedges and other foods when we got the tree, which reminded me of how good-greasy-food is so much better than just plain-greasy-food. Y'know the kind of greasy-food you should have every month or so to remind you of how good grease can taste?
Anyways, we finally got some lights for the tree and headed home. Chris and John got the tree put up in the stand and started fiddling with the new lights trying to get them to blink. One of our lines was faulty from the get go, so while John was fixing stuff up Chris ended up falling asleep while on the couch with me. We were originally planning on going to the forestry museum and going on the train that's all done up for Christmas, but with Chris being asleep and my mom busy in the kitchen, we all effectively forgot about it entirely. So there's the slight chance we'll do it on Wednesday instead, but that's up in the air.

So tomorrow [today], I'm going with the Genseys up to Nanaimo to go to Woodgrove. They're coming fairly early so I really have to wrap this up quickly. Chris and I don't have much left to grab, so we're thinking about the possibility of going to see a movie like the one year we went to see Sweeney Todd right at Christmas. Wednesday I'm hoping we can go down to Victoria and see Cookeilidh at Craigdarroch castle, then Thursday is my Christmas set up with my family. Getting so excited!

But for now, so sleepy.

The game.

christmas, get back in the kitchen, staying up late, trains, the game, video games, failing at blogging, castle, greasy food, packing, shopping, plans

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