Baking Guru.. roomon

Dec 15, 2009 16:51

I needed to nerd up my title somehow. So I'm back in Duncan for my exams after being in Victoria while Chris prepared for his big math exams. I came back yesterday so I'd be able to do my Psychology exam and bring it down to the school in time for this afternoon, but turns out because of all the snow that came last night my professor can't make it down here from Nanaimo, so I got an extension until Thursday haha.

So I finished half the exam this morning, and I'm going to do the rest either tonight or tomorrow as a break from reading my boring book that I need for my English exam tomorrow night. Last night I made my egg nog fudge though, it's a bit strong but quite delicious. I let it set over night, and now I'm incredibly slowly setting about cutting it up and putting it into a tin.

I'm a bit sleepy already, probably from forcing myself to do Psychology right after I wake up. Or I'm getting the sickness from Chris, I'm not too sure. I'm thinking I'll read my boring book, or work on my exam while I tidy up my room. I'm trying to decide if I should move my bed around or not, cause my bed is right over the heater. I haven't used the heater in ages, but change is always good right? Really, I'm just thinking about moving around my bed a bunch so that I don't just go to sleep right now haha.

The game.

christmas, get back in the kitchen, psychology, extensions, staying up late, sleep, exams, boring, winter, snow!, snow, slow, english, uvic, tired, reading

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