Have finished the first week at my new job (whew!). There's a serious bit of difference between working 20 hours a week over four days, and working full time plus doing the most important stuff from old job on Saturday - have more than doubled my hours. But new job is good, and the Saturday stuff will go away at the end of August (or sooner if they can manage to find a replacement quickly).
Daughter has finished a whole week of driving herself to swim practice using her shiny new driver's license and having no mishaps. Hooray!!!
And we're still doing some yard work, planting things and generally trying to make it look nice. Husband is working on new, sturdy compost ... uh, bin? cage? ... thingy, about 4 x 9 x 4 feet, but it's to be beastly hot today and most of this week, so that may be completely stalled.
Now for piratey fun. This week's challenge theme at BPS is "broken." At 170 words, it's a rather overgrown drabble. I guess it got into the fertilizer I've been putting on the plants.
~~ Game of Chance ~~
"Let's play one more hand. Your luck's about to change, mate, 'm sure of it."
The mark's eyes lit up, "You think so?" But the light went out abruptly as he delved into his pockets.
"Damnation! Fortune's about to smile and I can't take advantage. I've nothing left but my grandfather's compass, God rest his soul, and the poxy thing's worthless. It's broken, see?" He lifted the domed lid to reveal the needle moving in a desultory fashion, finally coming to rest in a direction that was definitely not north.
Jack had been playing and waiting - and cheating - all evening to maneuver his opponent into this action. He put on his best grin (which was very good indeed) and tried to sound bored but magnanimous.
"Tell you what. I'll let you put up your grandda's worthless compass and give you a chance at winnin' back some coin. And when you do, you can buy me a drink."
The younger man smiled, nodding vigorously, and began shuffling the cards.