Title: Starting Over (6/7 and 7/7)
hence_the_name Characters Donna, Jack, Martha, Ten
Pairing: Jack/Ten
Rating: PG
Spoilers: All of New Who and Torchwood. Takes place after Journey’s End.
Summary: The TARDIS lands in Cardiff with a mysteriously ill Doctor on board.
A/N: Ah, it's finally finished. One thing I've learned on my first multipart fic adventure:
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This bit owns me --> “It’s like we got stuck, you and I,” Jack said. “I was so angry with you for so long, for leaving, and then for not being able to fix me. For trying to running away from me a second time.” He shook his head. “Maybe a part of me still is.” The Doctor opened his mouth to speak and Jack held up a hand to stop him. “But I don’t want you apologizing every time I see you. I don’t want that to be the only thing that defines who we are to each other. It’s time to go forward.”
All I can say is YES!! It is time for them to go forward.
Actually, and this is just my humble opinion, but the events of CoE cemented the Ten/Jack pairing for me. Yes, it's warped and weird and whatever, but they need each other. To imagine them not in each others lives is too horribly depressing to contemplate.
This was beautiful, full of healing and promise. You handled it like a pro, my friend!
I call this kind of fic pure, classic writing. Great plot, great pace, and great writing!
I'm so glad Jack's little speech worked so well for you. I felt like I needed him to say that, because in my head it always seems to come back to that, between the two of them. And I need them to go forward.
Actually, and this is just my humble opinion, but the events of CoE cemented the Ten/Jack pairing for me. Yes, it's warped and weird and whatever, but they need each other. To imagine them not in each others lives is too horribly depressing to contemplate.
Oh, yes. Totally. That ending was just asking for a Ten/Jack follow-up. (Yes, busy working on it now!) At this point, the only person in the universe who can understand Jack is the Doctor...and vice versa.
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