Title: Starting Over (6/7 and 7/7)
hence_the_name Characters Donna, Jack, Martha, Ten
Pairing: Jack/Ten
Rating: PG
Spoilers: All of New Who and Torchwood. Takes place after Journey’s End.
Summary: The TARDIS lands in Cardiff with a mysteriously ill Doctor on board.
A/N: Ah, it's finally finished. One thing I've learned on my first multipart fic adventure:
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Donna travelling with the Doctor again is just the way it should be, and I loved Rose being a tiny part of this regeneration. Of course Jack would see it the way he did!
The Doctor's explanation for why he had to wipe Donna's mind bothered me so much (a female character getting punished for having two much knowledge just squicks my feminist self). I always felt it had much more to do with what the Doctor told Donna about the way he sees the universe when they were in Pompeii, and it explains so much about him, too. I'm really glad that worked for you.
Jack and the Doctor putting the past behind them, and becoming lovers... and surely that's not just intended as a one-off, is it?
Definitely not! I've got a couple of ideas for fics in this AU banging around. We've at least got to have the gang together at Martha's wedding!
I loved Rose being a tiny part of this regeneration. Of course Jack would see it the way he did!I'm glad you liked that, too. That idea was really important to me. (And I have no idea why I was a little ( ... )
I adored this fic from the start and I was so happy to see it finished. You pushed every single one of my buttons. Thank you!
Thanks again for sticking with me!
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