Mar 05, 2004 13:40
So, Megan and Michael are permanantly broken up. It's not because Michael isn't in love with Megan, it's that he found someone that he liked a lot. Michael's best friend, Travis, said to Megan that there was still hope for them. I told Megan not to be TOO optimistic or TOO pessimistic, but have a nice even realism. So...yayy. I've gotten her being semi-optimistic and positively realistic now which is amazing because this used to be her saying: "I'm only pessimistic because I know the truth." Enough about Megan, I'm pissed at her. LoL.
Tomorrow, Amanda and I are planning on going to visit Chris. Yayy....errr PINKLY!!!!
Funny conversation Amanda and I just had as I was livejournaling:
Jenna: my whole effing house is shaking....
Amanda: why???????
J: wind, it's really really strong
A: ooooh yeah
J: there are like white caps on the lake
A: did you read my away message?**SIDE NOTE, her away message said "Today is a perfect day for a game of tennis." END SIDE NOTE**
J: yeah :-) and i was, she's right...lovely day for tennis...and then my house fell over.
A: hahha which made it really hard to find your racket i'm sure
J: was sticking out of temple
A: so then what was the problem?
J: there is a tennis racket..sticking out of my head...i know, pretty normal...but it's my prince racket! IT'S THE GOOD ONE...DAMMIT WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN THE WILSON?
Like you cared about that conversation but I found it humorous :)
I'm hungee.
What a beautiful day.
I wish I had gas in my car before 5, because I'm hungee now. It's 2. What a delimma.
Someone please tell me how to correctly spell delimma.
I just found out last night that I cannot have more than 200 people on my buddy list. That's a crock.
yayy for tangents and abrupt digression!
I think I might go rollarblading today. I'm sort of thinking that would really cut into the time I need to spend on the things I need to get done today. Such as getting my check, cashing it, sitting around, eating, maybe the mall, talking on the phone, AND unloading the dishwasher. I know what you're thinking: How does she do it? Do you really want to know? It's call about self-control and self-power....will power I guess.
News with Jenna:
No word from my interview yet, but hopefully sometime.
I got invited to an ecstacy party. I politely declined. Too bad I don't want to make my cerrebellum bleed.
I don't know how to spell well.
I am a rhyming ninka master.
Since I've been working out again, I've gotten four percent more muscle than fat...yayyy :)
I got turned down for a secretarial position because I am going to skoo in the fall. Which isn't a bad thing a'tall really. Definetly feeling weird I'm "in college," now.
I'm almost NOT anemic again, snaps for Jenna :) yayy
I found a cute boy.
Hollar, noggas!
Loveless, but I still love you,
Jenna :)