(no subject)

Sep 26, 2003 23:49

It has really been such a busy week! I never imagined that my seventh year could be quite this busy - between preparation for my NEWTs, expanding my network of friends at the Ministry, flicking away the annoyance of certain fifth-years, and keeping an eye on goings-on at my house (as certain other seventh-years seem not to mind when those very fifth-years break all sorts of rules) I've hardly had time to stop!

Of course, it seems that others have much more time than I do as one can hardly walk from one class to another without being deafened by gossip about which student snogged or wants to snog another! Even dearest Mafalda seems to be afflicted with this malady, and I was really very upset the other day when I went to retrieve a book from the library but was blocked by a pair of fourth-years snogging against the very shelf I needed! I am quite proud to say that they will not be making that mistake again of course.

At any rate I must return to my Charms homework. I simply cannot understand the theory behind these appearance-altering charms, and I have looked for a study partner but not yet with any success. I really don't see why we're supposed to learn these anyway as they are far less practical than some of the other charms we've learned. Why on earth should I bother with charming my own appearance when I can go and have it done for me with far less hassle? Of course I understand that some other young women require a more intensive and frequent effort in order to be seen in public so I mustn't complain!
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