[RL] Work

Jan 22, 2007 11:40

Uni is hard enough before you factor in the fact that you have to live. And being in a foreign country means that I don't have my parents nearby to pester for money whenever I need it. Luckily, I live with my aunt so I dont have to pay for residence. But I still have bills, and other expenses- and this year my parents cant seem to come through.

So, I'm looking for a job. i found a nice one on campus in the Registrar's office. 8-12 hours a week, but I get payed CDN$10/hr. Which is nice - But this means I have to give up on sleep. Not so good. But i gotta make it work, ne?

So in between baby-sitting I spent the whole weekend writing my resume and cover letter. First time I've ever had to do that. I've been working for years technically. In my parent's factory as an 'administrative assistant - my cousin's fancy way of writing secretary. It was like a real job: I did the same hours as everyone else, got paid the same as everyone else. Si I'm used to office work. But damn, writing these resume thingies is hard! And the cover letter - I'm way too wordy, and i had to do some serious editing to get it down to the requisite one page.

So, I'm off to print and deliver this thing - Wish me luck!

rl, me

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