Glamourised Suburbia (a.k.a. alas poor Woolworths, I knew you well... )

Jun 30, 2014 18:05

So I've just received a copy of Jamie McKelvie's Suburban Glamour - bought out of pure curiosity, as I usually stick to the better-known side of comics, no matter who the writer/artist is - and have discovered that, in the fictional(ish) Worcestershire town of "Lanbern", there is still a Woolworths at the bottom of Church Street. Ah, nostalgia! ;)

Later on in the book, Astrid's interview with a careers adviser completely cracked me up; it was so very reminiscent of my own disaster of an interview...and that probably isn't surprising, come to think of it. I don't know how many careers advisers the local council employs to do the rounds of the secondary schools, but there can't be that many. Whoever it was that did Jamie's though, I'm guessing they had much the same reaction to "I want to be a comic book artist" as my own adviser did to "I think I'd quite like to work for NASA".

But mainly: I really, really want a copy of that panel with Astrid sitting on a rock outcropping on the hills, looking out at the flat flood plain stretching out below. Because it's just utterly gorgeous, and a million years would not be enough to make me stop loving that view.

real life, fannish glee, suburban glamour

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