Fic recs wanted!

Jun 26, 2014 17:38

So I'm heading for the beach in a bit over a week. And I still haven't written up my London trip. My New Year's Resolution to do more with my LJ is a sad, sad failure! :(

But in other news, podficbigbang is gearing up for another go, and this year I want to get back into the podficcing side of things as well as my usual contribution of cover art. :)

I thought I might print out a couple of likely fics to take on holiday, so I can highlight and mark to my heart's content and think through potential pacing and rhythm issues. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding the right fic(s).

It's got to be near the minimum read of one hour, or I'll never manage it - approx 10,000 words or not much more. It needs to not have too many main characters (otherwise I'll wind up killing my voice by trying to make them all distinct, even if I intend not to!); four or five would be ideal. I'd prefer it was a fandom I know, so I can watch/read the source material and refamiliarise myself with the characters. Ideally - and this is a bit ridiculous of me - I'd really like to make a podfic for a fandom that hasn't got a massive amount of podfics already (I keep hoping that someone will turn up at the PBB with a Jane Austen fic or a Peter Wimsey that I can make cover art for, but sadly it hasn't happened so far - and it's not likely to be me recording it either, unless there's a gem I've missed somewhere, as the PW fanwriters tend to the shorter end of the ficcing spectrum and JA writers to the epically long end of things!).

So, um...Anyone got any recs for possible stories?

thinking about things, podfic big bang, recs please, just call me goldilocks

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