about the GIANT SQUID

Sep 15, 2006 13:08

So, okay, I was planning to have this be about how I have reluctantly over the past six weeks or so been shifting myself over to Firefox from Safari. I say reluctantly because I really like Safari, I like the way it looks and I like the idea of having a Mac proprietary brower, and all, but damn, Safari has been killing me lately. At first I was all just, Safari doesn't interface with Gmail very well, and then that sort of osmosed into, Safari crashes a lot and isn't very stable and loads slowly and Steve Jobs, whyfore have you forsaken me???

Okay, so I'm still dealing with the last one. But I was reluctant to fully commit to switching over to Firefox. UNTIL. UNTIL. Last night I was futzing around and, okay, I'll admit it: looking for the new JT album on torrent sites. And the torrent sites, omg! With the banner ads. So I was like, WHY DON'T I HAVE ADBLOCK? Oh right, because I don't want to commit to Firefox. But it was just too much to take, so I went and got adblock, and forecastfox, and I don't even know what else, seriously.

CONCLUSION OF LONG STORY: I guess firefox updated itself because the thing that really actually bothered me most about it, the inability to close a tab without actually being active in that tab, is fixed! And now I have all this crazy fancy tab business that I had to go immediately turn off, ie, I don't want my as yet unlooked-at tabs to be in red italics! But the main thing is the ability to close the penny arcade tab while I'm reading dooce. YOU KNOW???

ALSO: FOXMARKS OMG. Add something to your bookmarks on your laptop, hit synchronize, synchronize your desktop bookmarks, VIOLA, DUPLICATE BOOKMARKS EVERYWHERE. It's probably a good thing I can't install firefox at work because I would be just jizzing all over the place from having my BOOKMARKS.

SO ANYWAY THE SOLICITATION PORTION: Now that I have justified why it's taken me so long to commit to using firefox, what are your favorite extensions you could absolutely not live without???

I Wish I Had An Evil Twin - Magnetic Fields


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