hide away, fat family

Jul 17, 2006 09:53


A Few of the Things I Missed While Away, In Roughly Chronological Order:
1. Tilly and the Wall
2. missdeviant's birthday
3. jascott's birthday
4. Pirates of the Caribbean
5. pwease's birthday

Missing Tilly is a wound that will never heal, as is the fact that TED LEO is coming soon and is playing at, as the mister said, the ONLY place where it DOESN'T MATTER that he's coming, ie, AUSTIN CITY LIMITS. READ: I will not be able to see Ted Leo when he is in town. Tears!!!

ANYWAY. Can you believe I didn't even touch a COMPUTER for TWO ENTIRE WEEKS? TWO. WEEKS. Seriously. I caught up as much as I could on livejournal but it only let me skip to a paltry 380 or something, like that's going to be enough. And I'm on page, like 16 of popsugar or something, I don't know, I got distracted by LANCE ARMSTRONG AND JAKE GYLLENHAAL BIKING TOGETHER. Okay, I cannot even begin to discuss the amount of balls you have to have to go biking with LANCE FREAKING ARMSTRONG (ps, I love you Lance), who only has ONE BALL, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING HERE? Look, I pussed out on the Slickrock trail in Moab. I'm not ashamed. That shit is madness. I bet you Jake Gyllenhaal would be like, Insane balls-out not-really-a-trail over slickrock when I really am a road biker and haven't ever really done any technical mountain biking? WHAT THE HELL, I RIDE WITH LANCE ALL THE TIME.
Like, God.

Ahem! Anyway. I think what I meant to say was, I am glad to be back!! Not necessarily glad to be at work, or not necessarily glad to no longer be on vacation, but glad to be at home, definitely, and I guess a certain amount of gladness for a return to normalcy in everyday life. The return to work after two weeks off is going relatively smoothly, what with the deleting of a billion useless emails, and the forwarding of the most important to jascott, and the aforemention popsugar catching-up, and trying to pick an appropriate picture of Fort Padackles for my July calendar. Also, I have been organizing my vacation pictures on flickr, because inexplicably a third or so seem to have uploaded TWICE??? Thanks, flickr! So I've also been working on that, which is a v. productive usage of time. Oh, and going to the coffee shop and catching up on gossip.

Anyway, the flickr set of my vacation pictures is here. It's kind of a big ol' mess right now but I am working on it!! If you click the link you will see pictures of:
1. Me
2. The Mister
3. Me and the Mister
4. State border signs
5. Desolation Jones, aka New Mexico
6. The Grand Canyon
7. Lots of from-the-truck pictures of roads
8. Duncan, Arizona
9. Half the sign of the Las Vegas church of Scientology
10. Petrified Forest, Zion, Mesa Verde
11. A shitload of pictures in and around Arches and Moab
12. Lots of pictures of myself and the mister striking muscleman poses in front of geological features
13. Las Vegas
14. Bryce Canyon
15. A couple other holes in the ground

I think it will be worth your while.

So. What did I miss???

missdeviant namechecks, that boring asshole senator, texas, hellopoe namechecks

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