Oct 02, 2006 00:07
Here's an update, since I haven't done one of those in a while.
Right now I can't really sleep, so I'm screwing around on the internet. My beautiful wife and I just got back from a weekend up in Chicago, seeing two good friends get married. It was totally beautiful - or at least so I am told, since I missed the actual wedding part because I got stuck in big-city gridlock for 2+ hours on my way to the wedding. Hey, I got to listen to the Prairie Home Companion radio show while I was in bumper-to-bumper, which was actually really enjoyable. But I got there for the reception, which was very very cool, what with extremely interesting food, a generous open bar, an amazing DJ, and many of my wonderful friends. Aside from the expense and the travel, I really enjoy weddings these days because 1) every wedding is a reunion of some group of friends or relatives I don't get to see as often as I would like, 2) food + booze = happy me, and 3) since I'm married, I there is pretty much zero stress of "oh, when are you two..." yadda yadda. The list goes on.
Plus, as soon as we got back from Chicago, we hung out with more friends playing games all evening. Tonight it was plenty of Arkham Horror (the Cthulhu board game, very fun, even though my two-pistol detective got eaten by an Elder God as expected) and Magic cards. I really have a lot of fun with our friends, and my life is so much richer because of them - both the ones I see often and the ones I see only rarely.
The wife is sound asleep right now, which is good because she's got a long week of kindergarten teaching ahead of her. She works really hard, and she cares a lot about giving those kids the best education she can give them. I am very proud of her.
My hobbies continue, and I am enjoying the heck out of them. Magic is a helluva good time; I am very glad I kept all my cards, despite the 5+ year hiatus from the game. The new set - Time Spiral - has me salivating. LARPing is incredibly fun. We have a really great pool of players in town these days, so the whole thing really has not gotten old for me, and I don't know if it ever will. D&D has even come back into my life on a regular basis, and that makes me so very happy - especially because I get to play with one of my oldest friends - a guy I've known since my own kindergarten, his cool fiance, and my own talented wife - whose own delight in having her fighter Cleave through goblins gives me a nerd-joy it is difficult to express, and I figure will only be topped with my own spawn walking or graduating something some day.
Watching a lot of network TV these days, even though we don't have cable: Smith, Heroes, Justice, Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, The Office, My Name is Earl, The Unit, and whatever else I catch. Heroes is fantastic - pick it up NOW.
Cooking is going well, although it's been a while since I tried a totally new recipe. Our last successes have been enchilada soup and a mouth-watering pot roast.
My family is well. My cousin just got back from Iraq and we are very happy - just hope he gets to stay without getting called back. An uncle is getting over some tough health problems. My parents are doing very well. My sister gets married this spring to a really great guy, and I am very happy for her and glad to have him in the family.
So yeah, things are just peachy with me. I've been typing for a while now, and my butt has fallen asleep, so I'll get to the best, big news, which prompted me to start writing all this in the first place...
You see, while screwing around on the internet, I actually found out something quite useful:
I passed the Bar Exam.