Offering: Two 200g bags of gummi bears, other gummi products or licorice of your choice from German sweets companies Haribo and Katjes.
Minimum bid: $3
I'll pay postage to anywhere in the world.
Here's the range of products available: I can't guarantee that I can get every variety, but most shouldn't be a problem!
Haribo (After following the link, click on the third icon from the left in the top navigation: "Marken&Produkte" . That will take you to the portal with the three company brands, of which Haribo is the one you want. Then, the available products will appear automatically. These should be 20 circling bags; if not, click "Haribo Beutelware Top 20. Unfortunately, this is the German-language site; the international language versions have different products.)
Haribo Goldbären - THE classic: the original gummi bears Haribo Saft-Goldbären - tasty gummi bears made with 22% fruit juice Haribo Rotella - soft, mild licorice rounds Haribo Happy Cola - cola gummis Haribo Tropi-Frutti - tropical gummis Haribo Weinland - wine gummis Haribo Color-Rado - gummi and licorice mix
Katjes Kinder - hard, tasty licorice in cat form *g* Katjes Saure Johannisbeeren - sour currant gummis Katjes Salzige Heringe - salmiak-y and mildly salty, intense, soft licorice in herring form Katjes Katzen Pfötchen - soft and mild licorice in cat paw form
Offering: Two 200g bags of gummi bears, other gummi products or licorice of your choice from German sweets companies Haribo and Katjes.
Minimum bid: $3
I'll pay postage to anywhere in the world.
Here's the range of products available:
I can't guarantee that I can get every variety, but most shouldn't be a problem!
(After following the link, click on the third icon from the left in the top navigation: "Marken&Produkte" . That will take you to the portal with the three company brands, of which Haribo is the one you want. Then, the available products will appear automatically. These should be 20 circling bags; if not, click "Haribo Beutelware Top 20. Unfortunately, this is the German-language site; the international language versions have different products.)
(English language)
Popular choices:
(with my own favorites bolded)
Haribo Goldbären - THE classic: the original gummi bears
Haribo Saft-Goldbären - tasty gummi bears made with 22% fruit juice
Haribo Rotella - soft, mild licorice rounds
Haribo Happy Cola - cola gummis
Haribo Tropi-Frutti - tropical gummis
Haribo Weinland - wine gummis
Haribo Color-Rado - gummi and licorice mix
Katjes Kinder - hard, tasty licorice in cat form *g*
Katjes Saure Johannisbeeren - sour currant gummis
Katjes Salzige Heringe - salmiak-y and mildly salty, intense, soft licorice in herring form
Katjes Katzen Pfötchen - soft and mild licorice in cat paw form
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I'm sending you a private message with my email addy and some other administrative details. *g* Thank you very much for bidding. :-)
Thank you for bidding! I'll be sending the gummis as soon as possible. :-)
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