Donation Confirmation Post

Mar 16, 2011 00:24

Please post all donation confirmations here, using the following template:

[ Subject line: category of post (e.g. Words or Graphics) ]

LJ username of offerer:
LJ username(s) of winner(s):
Link to offer thread: Here
Donation amount (USD) per winner:
Charity to which each donation was made:
Confirmation of donation (+ donation confirmation code, if applicable):

[ Template amended to add "donation confirmation code, if applicable" to the final question. Please see "Notes" below, for more details. ]

IMPORTANT: Please read the Donation Confirmations + Buy It Now! Procedures FAQ prior to posting your donation confirmation here. After you have made a donation confirmation post, please keep alert until a mod replies stating that the confirmation has been recorded in our transaction spreadsheets.

  • If you have already made a donation confirmation post previously (and it was confirmed as logged by a mod), you do not need to re-post it here. If you have made a donation confirmation post previously and it was not confirmed as logged by a mod, please alert a mod via PM.
  • If your offer thread is intended to stay open until the end of auction (Thursday, March 31, 6:00 AM GMT+8), please refrain from making a donation confirmation post until afterwards. One final consolidated donation confirmation post (per thread, if more than one) from each offerer would make logging transactions much easier.
  • For offerers who consider their threads closed (prior to end of auction) due to a buy-it-now winner, you are encouraged to confirm donations ASAP and make a donation confirmation post here.
  • For offerers who are accepting a set number of multiple buy-it-now winners, please wait until you have received donation confirmation from all of them before making a consolidated donation confirmation post here.
  • For those who are acting as proxy for an offerer who does not have an LJ account, please have the winner(s) send proof of donation to both you and the offerer, so that you can make a donation confirmation post here on the offerer's behalf.
  • For those who fulfilled requests under the Requests Post, please make a donation confirmation post here and provide the link to your requester's thread.
  • For confirmation of donation:
    (1) If the donation was made in v-gifts, you must specify the number of v-gifts each winner purchased and name all recipients.
    (2) If the donation was made online to a vetted charity, you must state that you have received an electronic receipt (screenshot and/or forwarded email).
    (3) If the donation was made by mail or in-person, you must state that you have received either a scanned copy or clear photograph of the physical receipt.
    (4) If the donation was made via text messaging, you must state that you have received a screenshot or clear photograph of the delivered text message.
    (5) If the proof of donation includes a confirmation code, please provide it.

Any comments posted here that are not donation confirmations will be redirected to the Donation Confirmations + Buy It Now! Procedures FAQ and summarily deleted. This is to maximize efficiency for those who are logging the confirmations in our transaction spreadsheets.

!mod post, !donation confirmation

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