For donations in three dollar increments

Jan 17, 2010 08:07

LiveJournal announced that they will be donating 100% of the proceeds from purchases of the Charity Help Haiti V-Gift v-gift to UNICEF and CARE.

The price of this v-gift is 2.99, which means it's a very easy way to make a donation in three dollar increments; if your winning bid is fifteen dollars, you can send five, or if your winning bid is five bucks and you want to round it up to six, you can send two.

In the lightning round, you can give it to the Offeror; wen the Standard Auctions close on Wednesday, we will re-allow Virtual Gifts to the help_haiti comm. We had turned off Virtual Gifts for this comm, and we ask that people not send us gifts other than the Help Haiti v-gift, but it will make it easy for us to confirm donations.

We are also working to set up a JustGiving page, but we will ask that donors outside the UK att 5% to any donations made through JustGiving, to make up for the small percentage they take for server maintenance, staff and related expenses.

Don't forget our UNICEF page, and please check out our updated Links List to the right of the page at help_haiti - we've added links to the Lightning Round, FAQ translations and the third Offering Words thread.

Again, thanks to everyone for their support, and to news, Associated Content and The Leaky Cauldron for reporting on the amazing things fans are doing here in help_haiti and around the web. If you know of any other articles or reports on help_haiti, or if you have any questions or comments, please let us know


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