First Entry...First Quiz...

Sep 13, 2005 12:27

Dumb title, eh? Well, my first entry's 'ere...and it's just a coincidence it's the day of the first quiz of me Grade 11 year...Hmm, what should I say...No complaints...Twas easy though...But maybe coz' 13's my lucky number...

Well, I guess I'll put what's happened so far today...just coz' I'm nice...No, I'm not...But yeah....slept in...quiz...lunch...and now I'm struggling through homework for the class next period...

Hardcore procrastinator in the house alright! Anyways, I'm kinda pissed today...Missed the CCMA last night...bloody hell...Mom wouldn't let me go...And she had this perfectly good sale at their office of half-price tickets*ks a$$...

Now I'd say more....but I'm in physics studying mode right now...and the bell rings inv 30 minutes...Nose to the grindstone time! And so...I AM GONE...
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