May 07, 2010 09:32
So we're looking at a hung parliament*. Which sucked big time the last time it happened in the 70s.
My constituency got a huuuuuuge Conservative landslide vote, though with Lib Dem just behind. Considering I live in an area full of the elderly, I'm not surprised.
I love the BBC though. They're not allowed to show political allegiance to any party, but they just started playing "stuck in the middle with you" on the radio, otherwise known as the "hung parliament song".
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right!
Stuck in the middle with you~!
We may end up with a minority government*, which hasn't happened since... the world wars.
Shouldn't be as paranoid as I am over this.
*A hung parliament = when there are equal votes for two or more parties, meaning equal numbers of seats in Parliament, meaning that we have no official Prime Minister, which means NOTHING GETS DONE BECAUSE NOBODY AGREES.
This is soooo going to help the financial crisis.
*Minority Government = when there is an exact balance between the two biggest parties, the third most popular party becomes the leader and mediates between the popular party. In this case it would be the Lib Dems, which I have a little more faith in, but seriously, Parliament would turn into even more of a "tell Mr Brown he's stupid" "yeah well tell Mr Cameron that he can kiss my fat hairy arse" playground situation than it already is.
real life,