
Sep 22, 2008 12:16

My Mondays are beginning to suck, but not as much as my Sundays.

Take yesterday for example.

I forgot to give someone change, left my till open and got yelled at, almost caused a crisis of faith, watched my Dad force someone else to pay for his chocolates AND almost broke the oven.

Which, I've just remembered, I was supposed to clean at some point.


Sorry, Genys.

Anyway, about Monday's suckage. Nothing happens on Mondays, seriously, I sit in English Lit and write more stories (none of which I am prepared to show my teacher lest she mock my poor spelling) and chat to Emily. Then I wonder off to Psycho, and scare people. And now, I have finished all my work and am just sitting in the Library (whoop dee freaking do, again!) with Molly and Kim (and I think I can see Rosie on the other side of the room) And I should probably go visit her...

Oh well, nothing interesting happening here apart from Molly poking me every five minutes.

Ja ne!

library, bored, rosie, molly

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