Once again....

Sep 19, 2008 14:26

Sitting in a lovely window seat this time, seeing as EVERYONE else has a class now, apart from me. It's a beautiful day, but what's the point of going outside when people will just A: laugh at me for being a loner or B: come over to me and try to talk to me (the second is the worse option, because things get awkward and I get all nervous then I mess up. Yeah.) So , in the library I am once more. I can see I'm not the only one who's doing bugger all in the way of studying. The guy behind me has some really complicated formula on his screen, but he's just sitting back and relaxing really, listening to his MP3 by the looks of things.

Ah well, it's hardly my business.

I suppose I could go out an sunbathe, but I'm the palest person since... ever. Plus, my sunburn would then catch the attention of those hotties at the other end of the field, who regardless would then stare at me (having bright orange hair and then bright pink skin doesn't exactly give one a stealthy not discrete appearence) then try talking to me. However, my brain would have died happily at locking eyes with said persons and I'd stand there gaping like a fish. With no Cam or Molly to save me, I'll end up gaping like a fish until they dub me retarded and leave.

I would then proceed to crawl into a deep hole and cry.

On brighter tones, I'm meeting Yazu after college today, we're gonna hang out for her brithday. Well, it was her birthday on Monday, but neither of us have been exactly free until today. By the time she stumbles on this journal, she should have her present, so I'll tell you that I'm getting her Vampire Knight, volumes 1 and 2. I'm pretty sure that the Waterstones in my home town has book 3 too, I may buy that for her while we're out.

Hmm, there's a glider in the distance.

birthday, library, yazu, manga

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