[13] Text

May 14, 2010 08:29

Okay everyone!! This mansion is WAY TOO QUIET! So, I'm going to take the initiative and get things sorted out! Why are we all just sitting here? I'm the hero, and I told you I'd get you out of here!

First of all, I need a count of everyone in the mansion, so fill the census below when you're done reading this!!

Second of all, since I am a proud supporter of rights, I think we should hold a vote for leadership positions! I know there are tons of countries here, especially, from different worlds even-- but if we form together to make a sort of government here, things can go so much smoother! Of course, it'll be my type of government. At least you get a chance at being in it!

Oh, unless you're Roshia. No spot for Roshia!

Anyway. Let me hear what you all think of this! Not that it matters! If you want a position, mention it here! I can probably organize the votes, but I'll need some others to help when there's actually counting, because I'm totally not corrupt like some countries!

Got it? READY? GOOD!!

Now fill it out!!

Country of origin: If you're from a world without countries, you should become American!<
How long you've been in Wonderland:
Don't Germany and America seem to be in denial?:
Extra Comments or Concerns?:

this was coming you know, what is this i don't even, census in every game, roshia is lame

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