May 19, 2008 18:42
Heya what's up fellow LJ dwellers?
Yep, it's been a looooooooooong time since I've posted on here. Guess today was THE DAY to get stuff out of me.
First of all I've made it to my 1 YEAR wedding anniversary! WOOOO HOOO!!! I can't believe it's been 1 YEAR already? As Steve & I joke "It seems longer!" LOL! :D Altogether we've been together 5yrs now, and it STILL seems incredible we've been together that long. Yes, sometimes he drives me MORE INSANE than I already am (and I'm sure he can say the same thing about me!) but what ya gonna do? Love's like that. One minute I'm about to bust my head open cuz he makes me sooooooo mad - then the next minutes I'll get all weepy because he hasn't hugged me yet when I've gotten home. Sometimes I'll look at him & think "WHERE the HELL is his head at?", and other times I'll think "DAMN! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!" :) Some days I worry about our future (i.e. will we have enough $$$ to live on). Other days I imagine what we'll be doing & looking like 10yrs down the road. As I've said in the past I sure don't know where my Beloved came from, but I'm soooooooo thankful that he found me & loves me.
Ok, enough of that :)
As for Work? ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!! The workload keeps piling up & getting more & more complicated every week it seems. The insurance companies just won't pay our claims & they'll reject a claim for just about every reason under the sun. It makes for job security - BUT - when Management says 'work a little faster" my blood begins to boil. SCREW YOU!!!! You sit here & deal with this!! :( At least I've got a good group of coworkers with me. All I can say is this - SOCIALIZED MEDICINE NOW!!!
Lemme see, what else? Oh yeah, my year started off on a REALLY bad note. From December 2007 to middle of February 2008 12 people that I either knew personally - or someone I know had someone they know personally - DIED. Even 2 cats & 1 dog I knew died :( Usually Death comes in 3's, but for that date span Deaths were everywhere in my life. Steve's friend TJ; Heather's Father; my friend Patty's father, and the list goes on. This has been the first time (and hopefully the last time) in my life Death came into my life so much. It did make me think quite deeply about it all, and how every day we really DO need to appreciate, and well celebrate those that are in our lives.
On the Artistic side, I've dipped into Scrapbooking a bit. Friend of mine & I go to a local craftstore once a month to do the scrapbooking, and it's pretty fun. Usually go for about 6hrs & it's fun. SOMETIMES the other crafters there - either Soccer moms, "Super Moms" or "Career Moms"- that are they can annoy me at times. I'll never forget one of them said to me "Are you going to use that busy paper as a background for that picture?" HELLO!!!! I'M AN ARTIST!!! Artists just follow what the Muse tells us to do!!! Yeah, I'm sounding a bit Artistically Snobbish, but what the hell? You should have seen me my first time there - I didn't have many of the tools & supplies at first, but had borrowed some from my friend. There I sat - staring at a blank page & feeling like a 1st grader during her first day of school. I'm working on doing a Wedding picture scrapbook, and UGH!!! It's slooooooow work :( I've come to the realization that I like Detail work. Taking a page of patterned paper & cutting out the pattern to then make a new pattern on another page (aka Mosaic work). WOW!! Talk about INTENSE!!! I've been thinking about getting a Flicker page to show off my artwork, but that nagging little voice inside me says "Who's gonna give a fuck about that?" That's what I've been fighting internally about for several years now - just WHO is gonna care about my artwork? WHY should I care about who's going to care about my artwork? Isn't the joy of Creating what it's all about? I've been itching to paint again (for some reason flowers on very small canvas' actually). Some of my friends have these great calendars of close-up photos of flowers that are breath-taking. Guess I shouldn't think about the $$$$ let alone if anyone else will see (let alone like) them. Just gotta do what Muse tells me :)
On a future note I'll be going to see Pearl Jam at Great Woods 06/28/08 with a bunch of my friends. WOO HOO!!:D I can't wait to go! :) We had a bit of trouble getting the tix in the first place (trying to order them online during the Morning Break at work while Supervisors patrol the office isn' ideal) - BUT - my friend Jenna saved the day (she was home & ordered them for us). Thankfully it's on a Saturday night so we'll have plenty of time beforehand to hang out;have dinner & basically act like we are all 16yrs old again HEEHEHHEEH!! Also going to see NIN in the city on 08/08/08. First time for me seeing them, and I'm already planning my Gothic Hippie gear. Trust me - the look works :) We'll have the same group of concert-goers & thankfully it's on a Friday night.
Now - what else? This may sound a bit weirder than usual, but this past Easter was wonderful. I don't mean for this to sound a bit coarse, but it was the first holiday I've had with Steve's family that I finally FELT like they were my Family. Don't get me wrong - all the holidays I"ve shared with them have been wonderful & fun, but for some reason this Easter really 'hit home' to me. It was just so wonderful to see my nieces open up their Easter gifts - Easter Barbies of course :) - and just having fun fun FUN!! I've also been feeling more free to talk to my sister-in-laws. I know that may seem odd that since those that know me know I'm a pretty open person, but I always kinda felt I should stay in the background of sorts since I'm the 'newbie'. Still not too sure what they think of me - hopefully GOOD stuff. :)
Ok, I think I'm done now. Oh,btw - I want Costello & Memo to come visit!!!!! I MISS YOU GUYS!!!! :( MISS YOU TOO HEATHER & STEVE!!! Saw them last Friday & DAMN!! It was sooooooo GOOD to see them :)
Ok, now I'm really done. Gotta go wait for the sushi to arrive & check out some news. Thanks for reading! PEACE! :)