This is going to be a shitty week

Jun 12, 2007 20:21

I can feel it.

Sunday, I spent ALL DAY doing statistics homework. I was so excited about my beautiful graphs n what not because I have been having horrible times getting them up and running.

Monday, woke up in pain, horrible pain. Went back to sleep. Woke up at 3, made biscuits n gravy, went back to bed, and woke up at 8:30. I call my dad because I notice that he's called like 6 times already. He tells me that he's going to have to put my dog, Ginger to sleep tomorrow. I run up to Hendersonville and spent time with my dad and my dog. Get home at 2, watch Big Love, in bed at 3.

Wake up at 6 today. Went to work, still in pain, plus nauseous. couldn't eat. went to class took a test i did poorly on. Then I call my dad and he says that ginger has perked up a little and he's not going to have her put to sleep. (He's dragging it out. Ginger has been crazy sick for the past year.) Got home and James seems upset with me because I don't feel like doing movie night tonight. I might be paranoid about that, I don't know. Go online to see how I did on my statistics homework (which was actually an entire take home test.) yea, well I bombed it. That man ripped my homework apart. 29/50 points. Bullshit. I worked hard on that. I worked seriously hard on that. So, I went through everything to see if there was one iota of info he forgot to put on the site, but there wasn't. He's just a picky bastard, and you need to be picky enough to have every damn lecture and note he has posted on that damn website up while you're doing the homework. 1-2 points off for title being in the wrong place. 1-2 points off for vertical lines in a table (which I am 100% sure I removed before I sent it.) 6 pts off since every graph doesn't have it's own page. etc. bullshit bullshit. This week is really fucking shitty. I know that's a whole lot of expletives within the past few sentences, but goddamn, it's the only way to get the point across that I'm a really foul mood this week.

I go to the doctor tomorrow to find out what that mass is on my ovary, so hopefully things will change to an upward trend starting tomorrow.
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