Rewatch S15: Raising Hell (15x02)

Jan 20, 2023 21:26

She returns! I cracked open a can from the media and rolled the "what should I do tonight" dice, and for once it came up Supernatural - so here we go...

Just like last time, this will be a quick and dirty rewatch, where I'm not going to be pausing much to actually write out my thoughts in a coherent matter - so more in the style of how I rewatched S1 and S2 WAY back in the day.

Also, if anyone knows the URL for when you want to post but have the classic posting format, please let me know what it is? They don't give me an option to switch back to the classic view anymore.

15x02 Raising Hell

Day-time ghosts = the worst - why did they make these decisions?

Lady sneaking into contaminated area. Lady, read the room, something is wrong with Rob. For spelling bee joke? Kinda stupid - just had a hunch and looked up the writers and YUP, that tracks. UGH, so this rewatch will be VERY quick.

Sam high school - blue, white and red plaid, FBI jacket.

I do like Sam in positions of authority.

Dean out with Belphie - plain green/blue shirt.

Jack the Ripper ghost. Would Jack the Ripper even know what a Spelling Bee is? Aren't they a fairly modern invention?

I guess I'd die if there was actually a conspiracy, but I'd just be like "people told me it was safe to stay in this high school - I think I'll just stay in this high school." Even if there were dudes patrolling with guns and it was obviously a cover story for something else. I likely DO NOT WANT TO KNOW.

Daytime ghost meeting - NOT SCARY, just look like a bunch of people in ghost make-up.

Like, why would you want to sneak around in broad daylight while guys are controlling the area with guns?

Rowena! I do like her, even when she's in a horribly written episode - she really grew on me over the course of her showing up in the show.

The problem with BuckLeming is they like writing everyone EXCEPT for Sam and Dean, and in particular, they prefer just writing scenery-chewing villain dialogue. So their episodes are always TOO MANY CHARACTERS and TOO MUCH VILLIANIOUS (or former-villian, but still sketchy) EXPOSITION.

Like, we've got Rowena, Belphagor, Ketch... who then introduces and unseen Ardad. Then we STILL flash over to Chuck and Amara, like we don't already have enough going on.

And speaking of ALREADY having enough going on, we have Rowena-Ketch flirtations, Ardad putting a hit out on Belphagor... on top of the already ongoing plots of Dean having to deal with being a puppet, and Dean's anger at Cas for not telling him about Jack's soul - and them still dealing with the fact that Mary is dead, AND now their kid is dead too. Like, hey, maybe we ACTUALLY have enough plots going on WITHOUT adding stupid ones that don't matter.

Cas: "Dean, you asked 'what about this is real?' We are."

- I have to agree with Cas there. Also, I'm in the camp where I actually really like Castiel being in love with Dean, and I actually like the way that storyline ended, because I've been wanting them to shit or get off the pot since like, 5 seasons ago AT LEAST.

The ending I DON'T like is Dean's. But we're not there yet, and quite frankly I'm not sure what I'm going to say about it when we get there. I think Cas needed to be in the final, and the really cowardly move on the productions part was not putting him in. But whatevs.

And then as if we didn't have enough going on Kevin is here too!

I also really hate Kevin's end, like BOTH TIMES.

Osric looks good in ghost makeup though, how is that possible? Also, like WHY RANDOMLY have Chuck have send Kevin to hell? That doesn't even make any sense as a villianious plot. Especially given that Chuck's MO isn't unnecessary cruelty, it's just interesting stories - and throwing things in Sam and Dean's way... sending Kevin being in hell doesn't affect that at all.

At least they're staying in teh same clothes this whole episode.

Is Kevin Tran a millenial? I thought he'd be GenZ. Who knows.

More daytime ghosts! This time with Kevin.

Do people still have landlines? Sorry... now I'm looking at set-dec. I haven't had a landline since 2001.

And NOW we get YET ANOTHER plot with Kevin's reputation among the ghosts crumbling.

Seriously, it's like they had 5 minutes of material, so they just wrote 8 different 5 minute episodes and put them together. It's the Love Actually of episode-writing, except not as good - and that's saying something, given how much Love Actually doesn't hold up to rewatch.

And now we get Rowena having a past with Jack the Ripper - again,  it's like a RIDICULOUS amount of filler. This is why BuckLeming should have never been allowed to write plot-forwarding episodes, let along the 2nd and penultimate episodes of each season.

Anyway, with so much filler that we don't actually care about, the episode just ends up being boring. At least to me. The writers might be fully entertained themselves by super-loading the episode with different characters to write - but for the viewer, that doesn't cut it.

And Cas can't heal.

Also, just to refute Ketch's earlier "magic" weapon of iron-flakes that hurt the ghost and not the host... pretty sure getting impacted with tiny bits of iron flakes would very much lead to tetanus.

Kevin is going to go live as a ghost for no reason other than to have been completely useless in this episode, serving only to relay the ghost plan to Sam and Dean (which would have been extremely obvious to anyone with half a brain).... like seriously, anyone who has watched Jurassic Park knows that in order to get out of a fenced area, you just test the fencing until you find a weak point, and then you get out and eat all the humans.

I love Kevin, but leave him dead please. If you didn't want to lose characters, you shouldn't have killed them in the first place.

I'm totally breaking my rule on balancing out the negative with positives. The positives in this show is always that the actors are really good - good job casting directors.


Okay, it's over.

Sorry about that folks. I hate BuckLeming episodes.


Sc 24 - preparing to go into the house to rescue Kevin. Long looks, pointless. That's it. I can see why they cut it.

DONE! No clothing changes!

rewatch s15

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