[Night 12] Central Tower

Nov 06, 2009 16:21

[Moving in from here]The tower was quiet as he entered. What few prisoners were mulling around didn't seem to take any notice of Sephiroth as he crossed the short distance between the two wings. Ignoring all those around him, Sephiroth slipped into the Traitor's wing area. He could sense that Cloud was just ahead, and he wanted nothing more than to ( Read more... )

aerith gainsborough, eric northman, tassadar, yuuri, sephiroth, armand, cloud

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Comments 38

mr_fangtasia November 7 2009, 07:19:37 UTC
[Strolling in from here.]

Then Central Tower was relatively crowded when Eric emerged from the showers. Glancing up at the full moon, the vampire couldn't keep the smirk from his face. The dark sky was comfortable compared to the harsh rays of the sun, and he felt relaxed and truly awake.

Moving to one of the nearby walls, Eric leaned against the hard surface, his arms crossed over his chest. He wanted to see where the others wandered off to before he decided his first move of the evening.


aiursfavoredson November 11 2009, 22:02:03 UTC
[Moving down from here]

Tassadar pushed the door to the tower open cautiously. He'd seen foul creatures stalking the hall before, but it appeared as though he would be fortunate tonight - at least for now. Stepping out into the tower area, the Protoss warrior glanced over to each separate door before turning his attention over to one leading outside.

The Machine Shop would hold a high possibility of finding decent amounts of metal for Hohenheim to use, but he also needed to further investigate for methods of escape.


mr_fangtasia November 12 2009, 00:16:32 UTC
The Central Tower still had a few loiterers, but had mostly cleared since Eric had arrived. He may have had an ego, but he wasn't stupid, and encountering any 'monsters' the others had spoke of while alone wasn't wise in his opinion. However, the majority of the prisoners here were human, and he wouldn't cart a human around with him unless he wanted a meal later, which wasn't necessary just yet.

When the alien he'd spoken to earlier stepped into the area, though, his interest perked up. Tassadar would likely be the best companion he could hope to gain in such a place. He neither annoyed the vampire nor would hinder him.

Raising a hand in the air, Eric waved a greeting, his lips pulling back in a grin. Hopefully the alien hadn't formed a negative opinion of him.


aiursfavoredson November 12 2009, 00:42:21 UTC
His large form pulled away from the Coward's door to head over to another. The machine shop seemed like a good place to start, and yet as he began to make his way over, Tassadar had the same sensation of eyes following him.

He paused in his movements to glance around. It didn't take long to find the one responsible as Eric made himself known. Turning himself towards the vampire's direction, the templar's eyes glowed brightly within the darkness as he addressed the other male.

'I am pleased to see you well, Eric Northman,' Tassadar greeted with a subtle incline of his head.


petite_frere November 7 2009, 14:21:25 UTC
[from here]

The moonlight always made this area look harsh and uninviting. Some people milled about while others hurried with purpose. Armand, having had no specific word from Yuuri, hesitated to enter his wing until he'd waited a little bit. So, to warm and stretch his legs, Armand wound carefully through the isolation pits, keeping a wary eye on the door to the Traitor's wing. He'd wait a bit, and if Yuuri didn't appear, go find him.


mazoku_king November 8 2009, 17:43:46 UTC
[Going through to here]

Yuuri pushed the door open to the Central Tower before he forced himself out. He probably should have waited a few more minutes before moving, but he didn't want to keep his friend waiting. Glancing over to the Pervert's Wing, he didn't catch sight of Armand.

The lack of sight cased a small pit of worry to well up within, and he wondered if anything happened while he was delayed. Fear clenched at his heart at the thought before he thought he caught sight of someone familiar.

Narrowing his eyes to help clear his vision, Yuuri smiled brightly when he caught sight of his friend. "Armand!" He called out.


petite_frere November 9 2009, 13:15:38 UTC
Armand's face brightened when he heard, then saw Yuuri. He trotted that way, though some of his gladness faded when he saw the youth was already tired out. "Who did you have to heal today?" he asked, more blunt than usual, but he thought his worry might excuse him. They'd just have to linger a few moments to let Yuuri rest. That's all there was for it.


mazoku_king November 9 2009, 16:35:12 UTC
There was definitely a sense of relief seeing that washed all throughout his body when he saw that Armand was fine. He'd been worried that his actions might have put his friend in a bad situation, but he was glad that wasn't the case.

"Aah," A hand automatically went up to rub at the back of his head sheepishly, "Cloud asked if I could heal some of Sephiroth's wounds for him." The young Maou admitted before he felt a shiver run up his spine at the memory of the other male.


wiltedr0ses November 8 2009, 17:37:11 UTC
[Slipping in from here.]

Aerith quietly slipped from the showers into the Central Tower before making her way towards the center of the room. As she made her way around the isolation pits, the Cetra kept a look out for Cloud, but it seemed that she had still arrived early. She could be patient though, and resolved to simple remain quiet and wait for her companion's arrival.


some0nes_hero November 8 2009, 18:00:31 UTC
[Waltzing in from Here]

He swaggered in with all the confidence he had gained as a fake SOLDIER. He stopped just outside of the Traitor's Wing door and looked around, his glowing green eyes moving to each person that was present in the Central Tower. He sighed as he took the time to regard the people here, noting Armand before his eyes strayed to Aerith.

Seeing her, he lifted a hand from behind his head to salute in a sloppy Cloud-esque fashion. He waltzed his way over to her until he had come to stand next to her. "Sorry for being late. I had a friend heal some of Sephiroth's injuries, but we're good to go for tonight."


clinically_nuts November 8 2009, 18:08:03 UTC
The moment that Cloud turned his back, Sephiroth had rolled his eyes at the blonde's antics. The gesture didn't remain for long, however, as his expression smoothed back out while he followed Cloud's retreat. What little emotion he'd been experiencing before bled away as they stepped out into the Central Tower.

Sephiroth followed a few paces behind the blonde as Cloud approached the Cetra. Eyes narrowing subtly when Cloud seemed it prudent to point out his weakness, and he wondered why such a topic was even necessary.

Huffing unhappily under his breath, Sephiroth half-turned away while the two spoke.


wiltedr0ses November 8 2009, 18:19:35 UTC
Aerith grinned happily at Cloud's arrival, even if he brought along her old enemy along with him. As long as the blonde was with her, that's all that really mattered to her in the end.

She found herself chuckling at Cloud's salute as she took a few steps over to meet him. "Don't worry, Yuuri told me," she said. "I only just got here."

Lowering her voice a few notches, though she thought it was likely he could still hear her, she added, "Is he feeling better?" Those injuries had been pretty bad by the amount of blood that had stained his uniform last night.


clinically_nuts December 2 2009, 05:23:37 UTC
[Coming back in from here]

The tower was quiet and there didn't seem to be any dogs around, thankfully. He was certain that the scent of his blood and his charred skin would have definitely attracted their attention.

Yet as his gaze fell onto the closed door leading to his wing, Sephiroth found himself grunting unhappily. This night could only get worse if that damn Cetra even considered offering to open the damn door for him. He would sooner feed himself to the dogs than allow for such humiliation.

Stabbing the tip of the sword into the ground, Sephiroth ignored the way that his blood coated his hand as he reached out and slammed opened the door. Retaking his weapon, Sephiroth didn't bother looking back as he disappeared within.

[Eventually going through to here]


some0nes_hero December 2 2009, 05:29:59 UTC
Walking in to the Central Tower, he inclined his head at Sephiroth's little stubborn show. He set his sword across his shoulders regardless of how painful the action was, but he didn't follow after the ex-General either. It was obvious that the silver-haired man didn't want to deal with people with all those injuries.

Looking to Aerith, he nodded his head towards her corridor. "Need an escort?" He didn't mind, and he could actually guarantee she got back safely and didn't wander off. Though, he didn't want to make it seem like he had to baby-sit her the whole way back if she was more comfortable going by herself.


wiltedr0ses December 2 2009, 05:50:12 UTC
Aerith bit down on her bottom lip at Sephiroth's stubborn display of opening the door himself. That had to hurt incredibly, and she wondered why he was so insistent on being alone all the time. She suddenly wished that they could just all work together - they would probably be a good team given the chance.

Even if he scared her.

The flower girl gave Cloud a smile before nodding. "If you don't mind," she said. The Ancient didn't want to be greedy, but as the night had passed, it had become increasingly clear that danger was everywhere, and she a little bit afraid to be alone during the evening. Still, if he thought there were other things he needed to, then she wouldn't begrudge him that.


some0nes_hero December 3 2009, 02:02:19 UTC
Agreeing without complaint, Cloud started to lead the way to the Coward's Wing. He didn't normally travel to the other wings, but it seemed this the Coward's one would become more frequent now that Aerith was stationed there. At least he knew of a few people who were there that would generally look out for her when he couldn't be around.

"We'll get you back safe and sound, and then you can have as good a night sleep as one can get in this place," he reasoned as he pushed open the door to the wing and stepped into the connecting shower area.

[To Here]


some0nes_hero December 6 2009, 03:51:02 UTC
[From Here]

Stepping out into the central tower again, he hurried towards the Traitor's Wing door, aware that his time was getting shorter. He had wounds to bandage and items to hide, but his body slowed to a stop outside of the open Traitor's door to glance in the direction of where Sephiroth had gone.

There was... something sad in that direction. Something... in pain?

He hesitated, turning his head at the sound of barking in the distance. They were rounding up prisoners, and he knew that any decision other then going back to his cell would draw both of his comrades' ire. He knew what the right decision was... but hell, he was really bad about taking the easy route.

Hurrying, he pushed open the door to the Killer's Wing.

[Hurrying Here]


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