Mar 07, 2004 23:07
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! I was going to sing but i thought that was pretty lame. Soooo i'm 19 and feel exactly like i did yesterday only more hurt and confused. Hows that? i hear you ask.....well it follows like this.......
The party:
Ben and Jake came round about half 4 to help me sort stuff out for the house party....ben took me to tescos where i proceeded to spend a small fortune on alcofrol/munchies/breakfast stuff....i STILL depsite being a day off 19 got ID'd. Which is a good thing i guess...means ill only look 25 when im really 40!! (or maybeeee notttt) and then...we came home...i made lethal punch (see below for instructions on how to prepare) tidied up while jake skinned up. Eventually it was in full swing...everyone who was there was nicely stoned...and had started demolishing my alcofrol supplies...ben was being reallllyy weird with me (and hey it wasnt the paranoia!!) he was just being a general tosser/wanker/prat *please delete where applicable* so i was kinda glad when he passed out. Oliver didnt come despite the fact that he had been out with ben drinking the night before...(he said he was ill) so that kinda really upset me. *sad face* Cookie turned up with this random girl....who got really drunk and tried to have a threesome with adam and cookie ON MY BED!!! *angry face* so yeah...then chris brought acty who i havent seen in 3 years and who was his usual arrogant self and ordered me to make him a bacon sandwich. Which i did. to shut him up. What i should have said is .. "dont you dare tell me what to do or ill tell everyone here what exactly was the last thing you said to me" hehe. (it was something to do with the size of his penis. and it was not a compliment.)
So yeah....a room full of pissed/stoned 19 year olds and what do we do??? watch ice age!! That film totally rocks!!! Well...some of us watched it...the rest had mostly passed out....chris/acty/cookie/random girl went home...and we all kinda fell into and ben had my mums double bed and everyone else kinda slept in my room. (My 15 year old sister had already gone to bed after getting completely plastered on various alcofrolic drinks.) Ben started to act more normally with me again once we were by ourselves...but he really annoyed me treating me like a child in front of everyone then being nice to me when there is no-one there to impress. No wonder i wont get back together with him. i was feeling pretty down though and i dont know why...maybe its just when its your own party you never enjoy it as much. i dunno. *confused face* So then Darryn rang at about 3 ish?? And that really cheered me up, so thank you *muchhugsandkisses* and im really sorry about your phone bill!! mine came last week..*ouch* =(
So was then passing out time..(i was quite stoned/drunk through out all of this by the way)..*zzzzzzzzzzz*
The morning after:
i got up at seven am. Yes you did read that correctly. seven fucking am. Because i had to tidy up and cook breakfast. Jake and Paul went really i tidied up the house on crutches and it is no easy feat either. =P So *meh* made ben cup of coffee got dressed ummm then started on the fried full english breakfasts. Bacon, sausages, beans, spaghetti, fried egg etc... I'd been really good and not opened my cards until everyone came down...and i got the most gorgeous satchel-esque bag from georgia and a cd off of kirstie..ummm so yeah....people left...i finished tidying up....and then...ben went. and i was by myself.
My birthday umm day??:
Stevie picked me up at about half 2 and we went into leeds and met up with my dad and bobby. We went for pizza as it was mine and my dads birthday, all dad did was moan about linda and how hes so skint...she tried to stop him coming to see me describing me as "a manipulative scheming lying bitch who will spend all your money" YEAH RIGHT!! ive had to lend dad some money cos shes spent all his!!! *grrrrrrr* But by the time we'd finished it was late and the corn exchange was closed so stevie is paying for my tattoo next week *yey* so he dropped me off home....and gordon and mum got back at the same time...theyd stopped off at tesco to buy me finding nemo..and some goo. (dont ask) and a card....then as i was watching the goo they announced their engagement. Which i was happy..for them...but then the family tea kinda turned into lets celebrate the engagement with all the relatives..and i was forgotten, so just i watched heartbeat. I feel really mean for being upset and angry that i didnt even get a cake and proper cards and presents and stufff. But then that sounds really selfish of me, cos i am happy for my mum...just wished shed picked a different day. Although my grandad has painted me this awesome painting for my birthday and it was such a lovely gesture that i cried, it was weird to feel like someone actually genuinely cared and it just got to me. Im going to have to find a place to put it. I love surrealism art.
So yeah....i spent the rest of my birthday on here..writing this post. Which has taken nearly 2 hours to write. I think i might go have my birthday cake. With candles. by myself. woo! I'm sure there is loads im forgotten to write but ive been up for hours now and want to stop typing!! *cries* so night and god bless. *blows kiss* (will update more this week i promise)
The helena punch:
1 bottle of white wine
1 bottle of vodka
1 bottle of cava
1 carton fresh orange
1 carton fresh tropical juice
1 carton pineapple juice
1 orange
3 tablespoons white rum
Add all ingredients to a large bowl and stir. Chop orange into segments. Add to the bowl. Stir in the orange. Leave refridgerating for 10 mins. Pour into glasses and serve with ice. Cocktail umbrella optional.
Best partaken while chilled, serves 10.