we're not unreasonable

May 11, 2011 14:46

Who: Ema Skye and YOU
Where: The streets of Bell Pointe
When: Forward-dated to the afternoon of Day 61
Rating: PG-13 for now?
What: After a visit to the town doctor, Ema’s feeling a little under the weather; seems like she’s come down with a case of rabies.
Note: People who signed up here can report in for the biting! She’ll be feverish, highly irritable irritable (moreso than usual), and will experience hallucinations and hydrophobia. Everyone is more than welcome whether you signed up or not - just let me know whether or not you actually want her to sink her teeth into you or not. I won’t have her biting anyone unless they say otherwise.

Ema couldn’t remember when she’d left the hospital or how long she’d been in there. Squinting at her watch didn’t help; her eyes weren’t cooperating today. Strange. She hardly remembered going in at all. Maybe she’d be able to get her thoughts straight if it wasn’t so bright outside. Too bright. As if her head wasn’t killing her enough already. So bright, but so cold - must be a fever, then, not a migraine. At least she could identify that much. She squeezed her eyes shut even as she walked, though she knew it wouldn’t do any good. Kind of tough to walk without looking where you’re going. Scientifically speaking. Could walk right into traffic--

-- Murphy’s Law loved to kick in at the worst possible times. Of course it did, that was the whole point of it. It was a law, a scientific one, even, and the law made mistakes from time to time but science never did --

Her eyes flew open, and she stumbled off of the sidewalk and into the street. A car, she could practically hear a car barreling at her, roaring and honking and far too close…but she’d dodged it, and now the only thing she could hear was her pulse thundering in her ears. She really wanted to lie down - oh, but she’d need to go home first. Couldn’t just call it a night right in the middle of the street. Or in the middle of the day. That wasn’t logical. Right. Home first, then logic, then sleep. She turned a corner without looking at the signpost; she could find her way to Daffodil easily enough. Daffodil or Daisy? Whatever. She’d been here (here where?) long enough to find her way back home (this wasn’t home, it wasn’t L.A.) without the help.

But windows helped. The glass was cool against her burning skin, and that helped. Standing in front of a restaurant with her forehead pressed against the window wasn’t getting her any closer to home, but that damned wreck of a house wasn’t her home anyway. Home didn’t make you want to drive a hand through some tempered glass when you thought about it. Who decided to build storefronts with so many windows, anyway? A genius did, that’s who, Ema would have to look up his name sometime and…God, why was it so bright outside?

crowley, ema skye, snow villiers, hope estheim

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