I'm so lucky

Sep 04, 2005 00:25

Right now I am more thankful that ever...

I am thankful that I live in a town that has not been flooded and driven crazy by natural destruction. It is sad to see in such a time of need that instead of people pulling together to help one another... you have people looting, raping, killing, beating, and many more negatives. My heart does truly go out to the people in New Orleans and/or those who have friends/family there. I just received this e-mail which shocked me. What has this day and age come to? Why are people so cruel?

This is the e-mail a friend sent me. It is from her uncle's friend who works for the NOPD:

Hey all,

Last night I got a call from Jeff, midnight my time 2 AM his time.

We talked for an hour and a half!

Folks, he could do a mini series on what he has been through, from battling the hurricane trying to get back into New Orleans; how he patrols with the NOPD who have secured a wall mart downtown with a pharmacy which he controls; to a rapists they caught and who they couldn't decide (under Marshall Law) wether or not to just shoot, so they released him to the people who witnessed the rape and who subsequently beat the guy to death, to people dying from stuff they should survive from, to hundreds of dead who were on hospital respirators etc but died when the power went out, to a brand new Hurst that was bartered for and now is his ambulance which he painted a red X on, etc etc etc.

He patrols with the NOPD at night, provides medical assistance during the day to those emergency responders who have stayed, and then sleeps in his apartment which is located where the water came up to the foot of his driveway. He has no power and sleeps in the dark listening for prowlers.

No power, cell phone does,'t work, but his home phone works at night when the circuits aren't all tied up!

He is in his element!

He has his 9 mm and shotgun with him wherever he goes, and while on patrol.

He is going to find pumpkin today!

The people of New Orleans are in my thoughts!!!
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