Oct 01, 2010 23:15
work work work.
sometimes im just sick of work.
everything is not enough.
why is it so hard to please people?
i hate to see people's face and take people's shit
just bcos im a diploma student.
just bcos im new to a company
just bcos im new
just bcos i just graduated
just bcos me myself and i
does this means that if im a degree student, i dont have to take any shit?
i hate this.
im trying my best to be positive and sometimes i really cant.
i can no longer bring myself to smile genuinly
i just wanna have a normal life.
just bcos people nowadays like to work for life
just bcos people dont like to have life
just bcos people dont like to go home
just bcos they are the new generation of workers
just bcos they love to work long hours
just bcos they cant balance up work and life
just bcos of alllllll these shit
WHY O WHY do i have to walk the same path?
as good as this learning journey is "good" / "beneficial"
i want to leave. bcos i wont have the life to carry the knowledge with me to other places other than the coffin that is waiting for me.
life o life.
work o work.
terrible terrible
as good as this company is, i really dont like this property.
i really dont like this country where degree is everything. everything is never appreciated. everything is never enough. sucking the life out of everyone and give a pathetic pay thinking that we even have any time to even spend this pathetic pay.
thank you singapore for this wonderful culture you have managed to build over the years. why not just employ foreign talents and do my shit? cos i bet they would love this wonderfully paid job bcos they will bring alot of money back to their hometown.
sometimes i rather be dead than be like a walking dead now.
i have no life
i have no faith
and i hope to be dead everyday
if someone was nice enough and kind enough, kindly killllll me. cos i hate this life which im having now.
sometimes i wonder if its the department problem? property problem? country problem? colleague problem or am i the problem?
I have no idea. I really dont have any idea.
Just bcos you work longer hours and harder than me, so i cant complain tired? Im just a freaking nobody having a pathetic pay and every single one expects us to work like them?! I hate this. FHATE THIS.
what's right and what's wrong? i dont know.
- working long hours: yes / no
- expected to do anything and everything: yes / no
- having no life: yes / no
- sell yourself to the company: yes / no
honestly. stop pushing other people with your high expectations bcos all you freaking do is pushing them away. push push push. turnover turnover turnover. this is called revenge. just suffer for your actions cos you deserve it for not treating us right.
FML. sorry no life to fuck.