Title: Restless
Pairing: TaeKey
Rated: G
Type: Drabble, Fluff
Word Count: 666 (omgee the devil's number @.@)
Summary: Taemin wakes up in the middle of the night and has a hard time going back to sleep
Author's Note: 3/30:This is part of my 30 day challenge.
This is the link that'll explain it. Single bother is inspired by
this gif.
He's just laying there and staring at the darkness above him. He doesn't know how long he's been awake but it feels like an eternity. Sure, he can just tilt his head to the left and check the glow-in-the-dark analog clock hanging above his closet but that would mean effort so he decides that turning and thrashing around in his bed for another half hour is the best choice.
"Ugh," he groans as his cheek rubs against his flimsy hair and that's when he notices that his pillow is just about as hot as the surface of the sun times one hundred. A small smile forms on his lips because he thinks that his problems are about to be solved. Scooping the feather-stuffed pillow into one hand, he flips it over and awaits the best feeling in the world: the cool side of the pillow.
But that doesn't happen because the pillow is just as hot--maybe even hotter--than the other side and all he can do about it is groan. Once he realizes that his face his hot, he realizes that everything else is hot. His stupid hair is disheveled on his stupid pillow in a position where it just makes everything even more hotter. His stupid pajamas are made out of stupid cotton and the fact that the stupid yellow ducks are made out of felt make it even worse. His stupid feet are hot because of the stupid blanket that's failed to fall off his bed no matter how many times he's kicked and fumbled around in it.
After another minute of living in what he calls Hades, he decides that he should just go get a drink. Throwing a tantrum as he gets out of bed, he accidentally stubs his toe--not just any toe, his pinky toe--on the corner of the first leg and he's about half ready to declare World War III. But he's more mature than that (actually, he's scared of waking up his hyungs) so all he does is whisper a small, "Stupid little..." before he's off into the kitchen.
Marvelous, is all he thinks about as he places the glass back on the counter top. He needs to have five seconds just to ravish in this god-sent drink most people call water before he's filling up his glass with more. With some ice cubes popped into his mouth, he makes his way back to his room with a peaceful mind, his teeth lightly gnawing at the rapidly melting blocks. Well, it was peaceful until he hears a small chirp of a cricket before he goes ballistic and runs into the nearest bedroom and squeezing his way in.
He doesn't give a single bother about who's bed he's ramming his way into because he was pretty sure that the cricket followed him into the bedroom. It's only when he hears a small whine and soft flesh moving against his is when he's finally calmed down.
"Taeminnie, what are you doing in my bed?" Kibum asks, his voice low and still laced with drowsiness. Taemin doesn't answer and just nuzzles his face into Kibum's neck as deep as he can, wrapping his arm around Kibum's slender waist as he throws his leg around him. Kibum doesn't object and just lets Taemin have his way.
"Sorry hyung. I couldn't sleep and I thought I heard something earlier. I'm fine now that I have someone to sleep with," Taemin whispers into Kibum's neck. He can feel his hyung smile, his squishy cheeks pressing against the crown of his head, before a small kiss follows. "Good morning Taemin-ah," is all that's said before they're both fading into dream land.
("Taemin! Taemin! Do you hear that!?" Kibum asks harshly as he shakes the boy's arm. Taemin jolts awake and listens for the sound. In less than a three seconds, both of them are having a race to see who can make it to Jonghyun's bed first as they leave the cricket behind in Kibum's bedroom.)