the core...

Apr 29, 2007 21:38

"you cannot light another's path of life, without lighting your own..."

random quote of the moment...

i've realized in my alone time today (took a drive to napa to run errands, with the radio off the majority of the trip) that i've lost light of who i am, and what i've stood for all my life...

what makes it ironic, is that i've given advice to numerous people that as long as what are you are striving for doesn't change your core beliefs, or doesn't change the goodness of who you are, you can work towards those goals you have set in your mind...

funny is, that in working for my goals, i've lost my core...

"we judge a man's wisdom by his hope..." - ralph waldo emerson

i've lost hope in others... i need to regress back to being the positive vessel in which others have found light... i need to rediscover my core, and why it was so important that i live to represent those beliefs...

my light has grown dim... i can't help others unless i find a way to light it again...

so here i stand, restoring the flame...

quote, thoughts

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