Mar 18, 2007 20:09
got an hour to kill before a couple of us meet to study for prophets...
sabbath went well... grabbed a quick pancake breakfast from sabbath school on my way down to church, since mr gore refused to let me pass by without getting food... accompanied the elementary choir, which went well... today was pretty much the only day that i voluntarily went to church, even though i was in a solitary mood, and had no one to sit with... ended up deciding to leave during the sermon, but ran into sarah and serene, and sat with them... good thing i stayed, b/c pastor mitchell provided a good analogy about chaos, structure, cynicism, and maturity... it was the first time someone shed cynicism in a new light, giving the idea that "we're too small for this box we've built ourself; let's strive for something bigger..."
grabbed some lunch to eat in my room, but then darrin called me up, inviting me to go to auntie rogelia's house for lunch... he told me that she only wanted him to invite one friend, and i natually became that one friend, to call in a pinch... good stuff! so i had two lunches yesterday; the normal loaf/pasta/veggies from the caf, and auntie's rice/fish/"beef..." don lowe was her special guest, which was initially awkward, but darrin shed some light on his situation, saying that the guy goes to the philippines for trips b/c he becomes one that gives joy to those people, when he's already tainted his opportunity to do so here... her typical, filipino-clad house struck very close to home...
evensong... enjoyed a long nap beforehand... chilled in andy's room a bit... got a phonecall from kristen... punched josh in the arm for wearing red and no green, resulting in retaliation and a sore arm... chilled while rasmussen worked with the girls on their pieces... being entrusted with a lighter... cory and i giving yvonne a group hug, b/c she had the urge to shoot someone... marching down the aisle in three rows, singing plainchant... rocking the casbah with our awesome male quartet thurber piece (amazing blend coming from our corner of the earth; who would've guessed that BAQ was all standing together, haha!), singing our final song from the balcony, candles in hand... imagining falling off the balcony and dying a "final destination death," with the ceiling coming down to crush me after i would fall off... screwing up the third verse of the piece... stalling to put away equipment... good times; definitely a fun and memorable concert...
no time to eat, since evensong ran during dinner... stayed for a little bit of the jazz band concert, where jaylene and i deduced that their lack of spirit was killing the overall mood of the concert... andy and i left to have our own dinner in my room... discussed that our pensive natures have been very dominant for the last part of our quarter... i think it's been a great journey...
went down to watch cory's championship game... gave andy the breakdown of both teams... good to see B Team hold a strong front against the other team, even though they lost... they played a good game, and looked like the better team coming out of it; didn't seem like the majority of the crowd cared for the winning team... incredible stampede towards the free pizza at halftime... interesting post-jazzband-concert discussion between hilary and zach... U2 being the sole band played during halftime...
thus ends the sabbath...
sunday, planned a GAA2003 breakfast at gilwoods... andy/travis/juliane/angela and i met at winning, then headed out... good breakfast in the backroom, table talk including tv discussion and classmate stories... overall, just a jolly good time... i'm glad that we've been able to have so many breakfasts together as classmates, even when all of us are off, doing our own things...
finished my 10-page paper on my analysis of mozart's jupiter symphony, and finished my fugue on the pathfinder song as well... sweet! no more papers or projects looming over my head!
had dinner with josh/yvonne/jonny/selena/andy... morbid table talk, as always, haha! napped in paulin lounge for two hours, then studied for prophets with andy in the lobby, sprinkling random "saul" quotations: "hhhWHY?!?," "cipe," "why do you persecute me?!?"
okay, i've managed to kill enough time, the day before finals... geez, i don't care anymore... it's spring break in my mind, already...