1. If you happen to be reading this and have asston of cash lying around that you really want to spend on something that will help you in no way shape or form please contact me asap. I have some student loan people who are going to rape my asshole rotten and steal my firstborn if I dont get crack-a-lackin on paying back all the money I spent on
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Comments 6
Some of the songs we sing or Becca sings on a daily basis
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
The Wheels on the Bus (she really likes the hand motions)
Baa,Baa, Black Sheep
ABC song
5 little monkeys jumping on the bed
I'm on a search for more songs if I find website with listings I'll let you know.
I'm a bit of an insta-lesbian not drunk, and your right Salma Hayek is hot. :)
My number is 517 231 5723 if you want to set something up sometime... Or if youd rather, my aim is acaciaxoxo
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