Masuda Takahisa no Master Hits (2008.04.18) Translation

Aug 26, 2009 03:08

***** Needs Editing *****
Reposting This from CR... I forgot to move 5 entries from CR to my LJ account all this time.. the first 5 Master Hits episodes I've ever done (lol). I've edited the translation for grammar errors, etc. I'll try to find the sound files later, and hear them again to further edit these.

* In this episode: ...


The usual notice...
* Original Chn repo was done by utak0 @ baidu. She has given me permission to translate her Master Hits summaries into English, so English-speaking fans could know a bit more about Massu ^^ Thanks utako!
* Please don't repost without permission, thanks very much ^^

Masuda Takahisa no Master Hits

1. This Week's NEWS: It's gotta be SUMMER TIME!
~ He says that the PV is very cute; there are a lot of CGs [1]. The director of the PV is the same director who did weeeek so the style is slightly similar. Then Massu was asked to point out the things to look out for in this new song, and he said that it'd be the part where all of them sing "oh yes!" He says that the tracks of the SUMMER TIME single are all great, and he is looking forward to singing SUMMER TIME in front of everyone.

2. Brain Master: How could a car with headlights off be driven under a starless sky?
~ Massu first guessed that it's because there is no other car on the road. Then he guessed that it was because it was driven during daytime, which was correct. Massu comments that he knew that with his level (of intelligence?), he could've gotten the answer correct.

3. Question: Massu was asked if he still gets up 3 hours early then drink milk elegantly?
~ Massu says that many people thought he was exaggerating when he said that on TV (Heyx3), but in fact, he really does that everyday (lol), although sometimes it is not milk but soy milk (lol). And it is roughly 3 hours because Massu really hates to rush.

4. Comment: A listener said that she had read an article that if someone buys 3 pairs of different colored sneakers all within one year then that means the person has great leadership skills.
~ Massu said 'sugoi na'~ he think it's amazing to be able to tell if someone has leadership skills just by knowing if he had bought different colored sneakers (lol). He said that sometimes he'd need to do so because of concerts, etc., but he isn't really that great with leadership skills.
He said that he is more like someone who has a lot of ideas~ but that doesn't mean all of his ideas get accepted (lol). However, he was happy that for the last concert (Pacific Winter Con), his T-shirt logo idea (w/ the NEWS smiley) and the water idea both got accepted. (lol)

5. Question: Has Massu ever attended a wedding ceremony?
~ Massu said that he did attend one when he was little, but after that, none of his friends are getting married yet, so no.
Massu said that for Seijinshiki (coming-to-age ceremony), he bought a formal suit, but since he wore the kimono [2], he hasn't really worn the suit yet. So now, he doesn't know when he is going to be able to wear it. He said when someone is getting married in the future, he'd like to wear the suit.

6. It's the 160th Episode Anniversary~
~ Hikaru[3] told Massu that it's the 160th episode, so it's a special episode today, and Massu aired two of the songs from the new single -- SUMMER TIME and EASY COME, EASY GO.

[1] computer graphics
[2] Kimono + Hakama to be more correct?
[3] Not Yaotome Hikaru; this Hikaru is Massu school buddy who ended up working for Master Hits. His last name is not revealed.


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