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Sep 27, 2009 01:51

<3 Went to San Francisco to see my teacher play a recital. <3
- Met up wiz
seki_yumizu for literally like... 2 minutes ;_; so sad you couldn't stay!
- Tramped around Jtown with friends from school... I found Natsume Juujinchou vol.8 and Vassalord vol.3! *_*
- We got lost a lot but finally got to the concert hall JUST in time for the recital to begin. We literally walked in at the same time my teacher walked out on stage haha. We were all such fail!whales at directions.
- Got to talk to lovely
one_way_street on the phone (though I wasn't able to meet up with her ;_;) and was happi to hear her voice <3
- Afterwards, a friend invited us to a party at his house. It was a full on college party with blaringly loud music, a box full of candy and bags of chips being the only food there, and about... 30 people we didn't know.
- Got back to Sacramento so roaring drunk with several beers/shots/candy/something-I-had-no-idea-what-it-was-but-it-tasted-good inside me that I couldn't ride my bike home hahaha. My friend had to drive me home. ORZ
- Forced myself to drink several bottles of water so I wasn't hung-over for rehearsals/coaching/wedding gig/concert the next day XD (and it worked~! Best night of sleep I've had in a while, actually).

I must stop mixing drinks when I drink... even if I only do it like.. twice a year and only when the opportunity presents itself. The damage done last night was budlight-[god it was awful]-Heinekin-vodka-rum-gin-sweet tarts. Actually, that's not bad at all... but it still does damage. And yes, sweet tarts gets a place on the list :[  
If I do drink, it's usually something after a meal. My favorites are Chimay, Singha, Weissbear, Fat Tire .. *drool*, *_*.
But alcohol is so expensive I only drink like.. 5 times in a year. That's probably better for me. ORZ

My school Orchestra concert is this Tuesday (29th)!
Our program is kind of small and pathetic (because we're dividing up our semester's program unto 3 concerts instead of 2), but one of the pieces we're playing is the Schumann Symphony No.4 <3<3<3 I love this piece so much *_* I love pieces that are heroic-romantic, tragic-insane, or tragic-romantic <3 Ahh the heavy lush orchestration of the Romantic era *_*
Not saying I don't like other stuff too... <3

My roommate has an ahoge. When I found it, I laughed so hard I was on the floor *felt really bad afterwards* ORZ

music, school, fail!life

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